Peter Scott Gallery Lancaster University – February 14th

Lancaster University Art Experience   

Free talk and tour at the Peter Scott Gallery The gallery  houses a growing international  art collection which features work by 20th century British, European and Chinese contemporary artists; and is one of the most significant collections of Pilkington’s Tile & Pottery Company material in the UK.

We may even be allowed a hands-on experience?

Coach £24.00 based on twenty-five paying members. Lovely cafe on site. Meet at Maghull Sq. for a 09:00 departure. Return about 16:00. Please book at the Art Appreciation desk or contact Maureen.

Book Stall Request

At the Book Stall we are very grateful for all the books we receive but we would like to ask a favour.

Could you please ensure that the books we receive are clean and in reasonable condition?  A few of our books recently have been a little worse for wear and are a bit difficult to move in.  Thank you for your help.

Possible New Guitar Group

A few people have indicated an interest in attending a guitar group. The group  would be for basic and intermediate players.
If this is something that appeals to you please use the comments box to register your interest or put your name and contact number on the notice board in the church hall.
Once we have an idea of numbers we will be in touch.

Sunday Strollers – Omskirk Walk 17/11/2024

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15 of us braved the weather to do the Lady’s Walk in Ormskirk .
We met at Ormskirk Railway Station . After a discussion we decided to do this walk in reverse to what we usually do . This proved to be a popular decision. Unfortunately, we did have to walk through a few showers but just as we finished our walk at Ormskirk Station it started to get heavier. The icing on the cake was we were just in time to get the train back to Maghull .