Beyond Monet at Liverpool Exhibition Centre

Beyond Monet:

The Immersive Experience makes its highly anticipated UK premiere, bringing the visionary who revolutionised Impressionism to life like never before. Using cutting-edge projection technology, this breath-taking experience surrounds you with nearly 400 of Monet’s iconic works, including Water LiliesImpressionSunrise, and Poppies at Argenteuil.

Step into a world of vibrant colours and expressive brushstrokes as Monet’s art shifts and swirls around you, capturing the essence of light and movement. More than an exhibition, it’s a mesmerising exploration of the genius who changed art forever.

We have been offered entry at the  great price of £19.35 per person for Tuesday 5th August.  Please let me know if you are interested asap as this offer is a limited time only, Full payment needs to be made at the point of booking.

Maghull Circular 16/02/2025


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A dozen Strollers plus Milo the dog met at Maghull Station for today’s walk. A cold, grey, but dry day with a “fresh” wind. We set off along Melling Lane past a Valentines Day post box topper in Willow Hey and turned up Summerhill to reach Poverty Lane. A short walk along Leatherbarrow lane took us to a footpath/lane parallel to the M58. I only realised today, when looking at our route on the map, that this Continue reading

2025-2026 Renewals Info

Je Membership Renewals 2025/26.
We have been able to reduce this year’s subscription to £10.00
All members can find a copy of the 2025-2026 renewal form on our Admin page and we ask you to print the form if possible.  Copies will be available for those without printers.
Please note on this year’s form again we will simply require every member to complete part one which will be your full name, current membership number and method of paying.
The second part of the form should only be completed if any of the information – address, phone numbers, email address etc; we hold about you has changed. We will use this to update the data we already hold on Beacon (our membership operating system).
Ways to Pay
Payment at Groups 
During February a member of the Committee will meet with the larger groups and those groups who meet at least twice a month. Renewal forms will be handed out and then a repeat visit will be made for their collection. Payments can be made in cash or by cheque if you are paying through the group system.  Cheques should be made out to Maghull & Lydiate u3a. Card payments cannot be accepted.
Payment in person at Tuesday Morning
Starting on the 4th of March a team will be available in the Sanctuary at Maghull Baptist Church ready to collect your renewal fee.  Please bring your completed form with you; for those with no way of printing the form we will have copies available for you.
If you can’t make it on the 4th (and we rather hope not everyone will descend on us in one go) we will also be collecting subscriptions on the 11th,  18th and possible 25th of March.
Payment can be made in cash (£10.00 notes only),  by cheque (made out to Maghull and Lydiate u3a) or by bank card.  Please be aware that no matter how you pay you will still need to bring your completed form in to receive your new membership card.
Payment Online via Pay Pal
In addition, this year we will again be offering the opportunity of paying your renewal fee by Pay Pal which will save many of you from travelling to the Tuesday meeting.  A separate letter explaining how this will be done will be sent out by the Treasurer but be assured you will not be required to have your own Pay Pal account to use this service.
Thank you for your co-operation   Jane Jones


NOW URGENT      Pack Horse Country Pub Nr.Bury please collect a choice of meal slip, complete and return, to order your lunch for Wed.12th March 2025. Thank you to all who have already done so. Many thanks

GYPSY TART (on the choice of meal slip) Is made with evaporated milk and muscovado sugar and pastry. Quite sweet but according to the Staff it is nice and very popular. If after reading you would like to change your choice please let me know. Many thanks

Lytham Ramble

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On a bright frosty morning 12 members of the Rambling Group headed up the M6 to Lytham. Destination was Lytham Hall. This is described as the finest Georgian house in Lancashire and was once the home of the Clifton family, spanning over 4 centuries. It is a grade 1 listed building and is of significant interest both locally and nationally. The site and its 80 acres of parkland were once the site of a Benedictine priory dating back to the 12th century. Continue reading