Burscough Canal Boat cruise 28th March

The afternoon tea will consist of several sandwiches with meat , fish egg and cheese , scones and cakes with tea/coffee

There will be Prosecco prior to the afternoon tea

If any member requires a vegetarian option / gluten free option please text George on 07826 048379 , I will then advise boat yard of your name time of your trip and your boat number

Chatsworth House Thursday 30th May 2024

Planning is now complete for the above visit.

The cost is £43 which includes return travel by luxury coach and entry to the house and gardens

Furthermore , a guided tour is available  (a) to the house in the morning at £5 per member and (b) to the gardens in the afternoon at £5 per member.

Each member will pay the initial cost of £43 and can add either or both of the £5 charges for the house or garden tours

Can each member who has added there name to the trip list please visit the Architecture for Fun desk and pay for the relevant sections that they wish to take part in

Please contact or text George on 07826 048379 if further discussion is required


Peaky Blinders Tour Thursday 2nd May 2024

The detail for the above has been completed.

The tour will include some of the film sites in Liverpool (not seen previously) , Wirral (not seen previously) , Stockport and probably Manchester .Precise itinerary to be available shortly

The cost is £39 which will include a “soup and sandwich” lunch with 3 choices (each member to choose there relevant sandwich)

Can all members who have indicated there participation (and those interested who have not) please visit the Architecture for Fun desk and pay the required amount.

Please call or text  George if any member requires further discussion


Van Gogh Immersive @ Liverpool Exhibition Centre

At last we can see this with out travelling so far.

I know we did York last year however this is a different take on Van Gogh. Or like me, do you just  want to go again?

If you are interested as a newcomer or been before, let me know ASAP as dates are going fast

cost, group concessions  £22.00

Have provisionally booked 25 places ,  Friday July 12th  11.15 am slot.

Book at desk with Maureen or Jan

Stadiums, Park and Cemetery 17/03/2024

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Eighteen Strollers took the train to Kirkdale and walked through the streets to Goodison Road. Brian told us of the history of the church of St Luke the Evangelist and its back garden – now occupied by Goodison Park Stadium. He said it was rumoured that the vicar had to be an Evertonian. As we stood, a vicar entered Continue reading

Cribbage Group Update

Cribbage Group Update

Under the leadership of Neil Hawkes our new Cribbage Group has a venue and time sorted. 
We will be based (for a while at least) at Kensington House, Station Road, Maghull.  We will meet each Thursday morning 10:00 – 12:00. Cost will be £2.00 per session. Our starting date will be 11th April.
All who have expressed an interest are asked to confirm their interest by listing their name and number on the notice board in the coffee room, online or by contacting Neil on 07369 212101



Flicks and Friends

Next Tuesday the Plaza are showing the film ‘Wicked Little Letters’ as their Age Concern film of the month.

Free to all 60+ the film covers the scandalous story of the mystery of Littlehampton. Who was behind the letters sent to members of the community? Olivia Coleman and Timothy Spall lead the cast.

Click on the poster for full details