June 14th Pre Raphaelites , Birmingham

We have a few places available for this trip to Birmingham Cathedral and Art Gallery / Museum, due to cancelations.

Don’t miss this wonderful art lovers event to view the stained glass windows, the pre Raphaelite art and the stunning arts and Craft  jewelry of Georgie Gaskin.

My grannie had a broach of these,  very like this, I lost it.Arthur & Georgie Gaskin silver brooch

£45 including  coach . entry to both venues

Maghull Sq 8.00 am  home about 5.30 pm

book at  art appreciation desk Tuesdays with Maureen or Jan.

Wine Tasting Thursday 6th June at Winetime

Arrangements have been agreed for a “South African Wine Tasting” commencing at 7.00pm

There will be the usual  6 wines accompanied by meat , cheese , olives , biscuits etc and Jons usual interesting talk on each wine

The cost is £10 for the tasting , THE COST OF THIS WOULD BE £40+ IN TOWN

A return taxi transfer is available from Maghull Square leaving at 6.40pm , cost is £10 per member.

See George or Jeff at the Wine tasting desk on Tuesday morning or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place. SOME PLACESTILL AVAILABLE

New Brighton Murals 21/04/2024

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Fifteen strollers took the train to Moorfields and walked down to the Pier Head for the ferry to Seacombe. The Mersey was very calm and we had some traffic to watch. Across the river, the “Stena Edda” left the 12 Quays terminal for Belfast, with Stena’s latest aquisition – “Bore Song” loading for the trip to Dublin. As our ferry set off, the Continue reading

North Wales Wine Tour 24/9 – 27/9 2024

Negotiations are nearing completion for the above staying at The Celtic Royal Hotel in Caernarfon on a half board basis after travelling from Maghull Square on a luxury coach with toilet facilities and air conditioning , rooms are double or twin with a supplement for single use

There will be 3 visits to vineyards , Pant Du , Gwinllan and Vale where we will have a wine tasting after a tour/talk on the particular vineyard

There will be visits to Pant Newydd House and Gardens (NT) , a return train journey to the top of Mount Snowden ,Llanfair PG (the longest name railway station) ,Conwy and Caernarfon Castles , ,Portmeirion Village , Bethesda , Betws – y Coed and Capel Curig

Cost per member is £729 with a £99 supplement for single occupancy

A flyer giving more detail is available at the Wine Tasting desk , members may text George on 07826 048379 for further advice

Hilbre Island 17/04/2024

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Judith wrote:

Today both Stramblers groups went to West Kirby to walk to Hilbre Island. It was a great day, dry but quite windy. No rain, thank goodness! We our had lunch on the island. At the end of the walk 11 walkers walked around the Marine Lake, while the others dispersed, some going straight home, others going for lunch.
Thank you Anne for arranging our lovely day out, Judith.