Maghull Festival 15th June 2024

Saturday was Maghull Festival day; a day where the many organisations that support the people of Maghull and give them a chance to get involved were celebrated.
The Activities room was crammed with many stalls many of whom represented groups I had no idea were active in Maghull. Face painting, merry-go rounds, children’s entertainers, singers and the MaDukes supported the event.
And yes, we were there too.
Maghull and Lydiate u3a had our own stall promoting our own contribution to Maghull life.
Our thanks to to Margaret, Maureen C, Joan, Peter and Maureen B who brought samples of the work produced by their groups and also to Nigel, Irene, Pat and Lynne who helped man the stall.

Digital cameras – B+W

Hi everyone. We got some great photos for the ’Black & White’ subject.

Thanks to everyone that came along to the meeting on Monday.

It was a challenge finding what we considered the best.
Members entered some creative images, computer generated pencil drawings effect and a picture using an infrared camera. See if you can spot them.

Have a great summer. See you in the Autumn – we resume 2nd Sep. –Terry

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Sandstone Trail aka the jungle!

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8 members of the rambling group took an 8.5 mile ramble along the Sandstone trail In Cheshire yesterday. Starting from Coppermines Lane where there are still remnants of the old copper works, we walked past the strangely named Chiflik farm part of the huge  Bolesworth estate and having negotiated a very precarious and steep set of uneven stone steps we came upon an area named Muskets Hole. Treading very carefully around the edge, as the cliff face to the side of us led to a sheer drop  we reached Raw Head, the highest point on the Sandstone trail. At 745 feet high we should have had a great view across the Cheshire Plains from the trig point. Sadly for us the trees have now grown to such a height that nothing is visible apart from the green canopy. Continue reading

Architecture for Fun Bridgnorth Thursday 20th June

Come for a return ride on the Bridgnorth Castle Hill Vernacular Railway (included in cost) , then move to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum , The Toll House and the Ironbridge after which we move to the Blists Hill Victorian Village , entrance included in cost (lunch can be had at this excellent tourist spot)

Several places remaining , text George on 07826 048379 or see George or Jeff at Architecture for Fun

Cost is £42 per member