Walking Group: the Tolkien Trail


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17 members of the walking group set off today to walk the Tolkien Trail, in the area of Hurst Green. Many areas of the UK aspire to have links with J.R.R.Tolkien, but the author certainly spent much of his time at Stonyhurst College, where we started the walk, writing his novel Lord of the Rings. Rumour has it he modelled Middle Earth on this area. Stonyhurst  is an independent college set in a 300 acre rural estate and is owned by the Society of Jesus. Certainly it is a very imposing building and students are very privileged to study in such a magnificent place. Continue reading

Walking Group: Mow Cop

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10 of us set out this morning to undertake a 6.5 mile hike ( according to Phil) in the village of Mow Cop. This is an isolated village which straddles the Cheshire–Staffordshire border, and is divided between the North West and West Midlands regions of England. Atop the hill is a folly, which was the subject of a bitter dispute between two rival land owners several hundred years ago. From the NT car park we followed part of the Gritstone trail, and sampled some of the finest walking in Cheshire. Had it been a clear day we would have had stunning views in all directions from the gritstone ridges abutting the Cheshire plain. Sadly the heat haze obscured many distant landmarks but we were able to see the Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank very clearly. Continue reading

Walking Group: Grosvenor estate

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14 members of the walking group, and Shelby the dog, set off from Chester Station to begin a walk around the Duke of Westminster’s Estate. Walking along the ancient city walls, and along the edge of the Shropshire Union canal, we approached the Roodee, the site of Chester  Racecourse. Just a short stride from here we walked into the tree lined paths of the Dukes Estate and enjoyed a little welcome relief from the hot June sun. Continue reading

Walking Group visit 3 parks

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21 members of the walking group set off from St Michaels station this morning in beautiful Spring sunshine. Given the awful weather over the last few days we were delighted to see the clear blue sky and feel warm sunshine giving us a welcome dose of vitamin D. During the course of the walk the layers came off, with many of the group finishing the walk in short sleeves! Following the path from the station we walked up the very cosmopolitan Lark Lane with its eclectic mix of bars and restaurants, and made our way to Princes Park.  Continue reading

Walking Group: 12 challenge the beast from the East!

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12 members of the walking group took on the challenge of “the beast from the East” and tackled a 7 mile walk from Maghull to Aughton today.Using the canal paths and byways, the first part of the walk was actually quite pleasant, walking alongside the Leeds Liverpool Canal, watching skating ducks and enjoying the brief glimpses of weak sunlight. Leaving the canal we headed across open farmland in Lydiate when the wind really started to blow. Continue reading

Walking Group 1st March

The next walk will take place on Thursday 1st March. The short walk has been changed slightly because of the conditions underfoot. The walk will still be 5 miles but will now be a walk in the Ormskirk area, rather than Aughton. Please meet at Ormskirk railway station at 10am. Suggested transport is 9:40 bus from Maghull Square or 9:45 train from Maghull. Lunch can be taken at the Royal Oak pub, Aughton after the walk.

The long walk will be approx. 7 miles. Those wanting to do the longer route meet at Maghull Square at 9:30 . We will walk along the canal to the Weld Blundell in Lydiate. Anyone wishing to join the walk there should be at this point at 10am.  (The 31 bus leaves opposite the Square at 9:40). We will walk onwards over Clieves Hill and will end at the Royal Oak in Aughton for an optional meal. Both walks may be muddy so please wear appropriate footwear. Also due to the predicted low temperatures next week wear plenty of layers and walkers may wish to bring a flask for a warm drink enroute.


Walking Group: Slip sliding around Rhewl

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11 members of the walking group donned their boots and headed for the hills in North Wales this morning setting off for a circular walk around Rhewl.  Because of the recent heavy rainfalls the leaders decided to change the route slightly to avoid some of the more muddy areas, although there was plenty of slipping and sliding and the stiles proved to be quite challenging with muddy boots and walking poles adding to the negotiation.  Continue reading

February Walk

walkingThe next walk will take place on Thursday 1st February. There will be two walks one of 8 miles and one of 5 miles. Following the recce it has been reported that the paths are exceptionally muddy, so some amendments to the routes may be necessary. We will sort this out on the day. Both walks involve a couple of stiles. As the walk is in North Wales we will be car sharing. Please meet at the Baptist church car park at 9:30  to organise car share. Passengers will be required to contribute towards fuel and tunnel tolls. Also please bring a change of footwear to prevent muddying the interior of cars on the return journey. Lunch will be available at the Drovers Arms at the end of the walk. New U3A members are welcome…just turn up on the day. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

Walking group Programme 2018

Date            Walk                    Mode  LW leader    SW leader

4th Jan       Sefton coastline    PT      Margaret K     N/A
1st  Feb       Rhewl.                 Cars    Alan Carr      Judith
1st  Mar       Ormskirk               PT      Margaret S  Judith
5th  Apr       3 parks walk          PT      Margaret S  Chris CS
3rd  May      Anderton               Cars   Ken              Brenda
7th  Jun      D of W Chester       PT      Keith            Judith

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