Ramblers: Wind 1 Rambler 0

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10 members of the rambling group completed an 8.5 mile walk yesterday starting at Jumbles Country Park near Bolton. Opened in 1971 by Queen Elizabeth II, the area has some lovely walking trails  around the first of the reservoirs we passed today. Our route started on relatively flat wide paths travelling along the side of the reservoir. Recent rains had made some of the paths quite muddy although this was nothing compared to some of our recent rambles. Continue reading

Sandstone Trail aka the jungle!

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8 members of the rambling group took an 8.5 mile ramble along the Sandstone trail In Cheshire yesterday. Starting from Coppermines Lane where there are still remnants of the old copper works, we walked past the strangely named Chiflik farm part of the huge  Bolesworth estate and having negotiated a very precarious and steep set of uneven stone steps we came upon an area named Muskets Hole. Treading very carefully around the edge, as the cliff face to the side of us led to a sheer drop  we reached Raw Head, the highest point on the Sandstone trail. At 745 feet high we should have had a great view across the Cheshire Plains from the trig point. Sadly for us the trees have now grown to such a height that nothing is visible apart from the green canopy. Continue reading

May Ramble. Lambs, Ice cream and no mud!

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Eight Ramblers met today to travel to Wycoller Country Park near Colne.
The walk started from the ample (free) Visitor Car Park some 500 yards from the village of Wycoller. We were joined here be Hazel, a lady who lives in the area and a friend of Hilary one of our group members. Hazel proved to be a strong walker and we roped her in as group photographer from time to time. Continue reading

Another muddy ramble! And a bit of sheep herding!


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11 members of the Rambling group undertook a very muddy 9 mile circular walk yesterday. Starting at the beautiful village of Abbeystead near Lancaster we tramped on roads, climbed stiles and fences,(some more rickety than others)  slipped and slid on some very muddy paths, crossed waterlogged fields and nearly lost one of our group in a stream thanks to a very precarious wooden bridge! Thankfully we all returned safely if a bit dirty and mud encrusted!

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March Ramble

The next ramble will take place on Thursday 7th March. This will be a 9 mile circular walk from Anglezarke reservoir, up Great Hill, across the moors and returning to start point. The walk is open to anyone who is a keen walker and is able to manage a longer walk on varied terrain and has appropriate footwear and clothing. The group meet at a local location and then car share to walk venue. If any members feel they are able to meet the criteria they are welcome to join us. Contact me at pollypaws46@gmail.com for more info.

Chester Cathedral Pilgrimage Walk

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12 members of the rambling group followed in historical footsteps today to complete a 10 mile circular walk from Chester to Eccleston on the route named as a pilgrimage walk. Starting at Chester station we walked into the outskirts of the city into Grosvenor Park then downwards onto the banks of the River Dee. Following the tow path as far as the suspension bridge, we crossed the river to the opposite side and accessed the route through the Chester Meadows on lands which historically have belonged to Earl of Chester Continue reading

Billinge Hill Ramble ( aka mud, mud, and more mud!)

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Who doesn’t like jumping about in muddy puddles? On today’s ramble, led by Alan, there was plenty of opportunity for just that!
The circular walk of nearly 7 miles from Orrell Waterpark to Billinge Hill (179m or 587ft) took place in bright dry weather and we made the beacon tower at the top of the hill in good time and along reasonably dry paths underfoot.  What Billinge Hill lacks in height it makes up for with 360 degree views of the surrounding landscape. Continue reading

Ramblers Christmas Stroll ( with a difference)!

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Seventeen Ramblers met in Bold Street, Liverpool today for our annual Winter walk and Christmas lunch.  Undaunted by the ominous weather forecast, which predicted wind and prolonged rain, the group met outside The Lyceum to hear about the long and somewhat chequered history of this Grade II listed building. Setting off up Bold Street, which started life as a long field or Ropewalk and was the right length top to bottom for the production of ropes for the growing maritime industry, we heard about the connection with the wealthy DeBold family whose business enterprises of sugar imports and banking in the 18th century involved dark dealings with the slave trade by one Jonas Bold. Continue reading

Ramblers defeated by storm Ciaran

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10 very intrepid ramblers relocated todays ramble from Dolphinholme near Lancaster to a local walk due to concerns about flooding. We decided  to walk from Waterloo to Formby, which, although not up to our usual level of difficulty, would give us a decent length walk where the area would hopefully be dry. However storm Ciaran had different ideas! Having travelled by train to Waterloo we walked along the edge of the Marine Lake where the waves were being whipped up by the wind, but at least it was only a light drizzle if a little breezy. Turning the corner onto the promenade we were met with a severe onward wind which increased in intensity as we walked. The sand was whipped up as we walked giving everyone a good sand blasting on the face! The  light drizzle then changed into a downpour and it wasn’t long before everyone was soaked in spite of good walking gear. Part of the walk had to be on the beach as the pathways have now been overtaken by the dunes and walking there is impossible. Reaching Crosby area we decided to leave the promenade and take to the footpath in the hope of getting a little shelter from the wind and driving rain. However by the time we reached Blundellsands the weather was even worse so we sensibly decided to abandon the ramble and head for the nearest station to return home. This is the first time we have been foiled by the weather  but the safety of walkers is paramount and we all agreed this was the right decision. Thanks to everyone who turned out today and I hope you all dried out quickly!

Mere sands in the rain

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A drizzly Thursday morning saw 8 intrepid ramblers take a stroll around the Mere Sands ‘nature reserve’ and local area.  Starting from the car park we took the ‘white’ path out and across fields to the A59 and the canal bridge. The canal footpath took us past St. Marys and Fettlers wharf marinas. Running behind Rufford Old Hall we recrossed the canal and the A59 to Sandy Lane and across fields to Holmeswood and the return to the reserve car park via the ‘blue’ path.

It was warm and wet but not too bad as it was all on the level, great for folk with dodgy ankles and other limitations. We covered the very wet and often muddy 10km in just over 2.5 hours.

Well done to Anne for the pics and Peter for the lead.