Lytham Ramble

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On a bright frosty morning 12 members of the Rambling Group headed up the M6 to Lytham. Destination was Lytham Hall. This is described as the finest Georgian house in Lancashire and was once the home of the Clifton family, spanning over 4 centuries. It is a grade 1 listed building and is of significant interest both locally and nationally. The site and its 80 acres of parkland were once the site of a Benedictine priory dating back to the 12th century. Continue reading

Ramblers take a Winter wander

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Not foiled by the Winter weather, 11 members of the Rambling Group had a local walk today despite the freezing ice and snow. The planned route was altered at the last minute due to the vagaries of Merseyrail, so we jumped in cars up to Aughton and undertook a somewhat shortened walk following part of the Yellowhammer route, up to the top of Clieves Hill and back across country to the start point. Continue reading

Ramblers on the High Rocks of Helsby

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11 members of the rambling group set off today from Forest Hills Hotel at Frodsham to walk  along part of the Sandstone Trail and the hidden crags of Frodsham Hill, before going onto the High Rocks of Helsby. The route from the hotel should have taken us across the golf course but during the recce, having searched for some time, the leaders realised the golf course no longer existed but was now a forested area! Continue reading

Hot Ramble in Fence


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11 members of the rambling group plus one guest undertook a very hot 8 mile walk today from the pretty village of Fence within the Forest of Bowland area of outstanding natural beauty.. The initial part of the route was clear and easy to navigate. Whilst we were walking through the first field we spotted a roe deer in the distance, but it was too quick to photograph. Continue reading

Ramblers: Wind 1 Rambler 0

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10 members of the rambling group completed an 8.5 mile walk yesterday starting at Jumbles Country Park near Bolton. Opened in 1971 by Queen Elizabeth II, the area has some lovely walking trails  around the first of the reservoirs we passed today. Our route started on relatively flat wide paths travelling along the side of the reservoir. Recent rains had made some of the paths quite muddy although this was nothing compared to some of our recent rambles. Continue reading

Sandstone Trail aka the jungle!

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8 members of the rambling group took an 8.5 mile ramble along the Sandstone trail In Cheshire yesterday. Starting from Coppermines Lane where there are still remnants of the old copper works, we walked past the strangely named Chiflik farm part of the huge  Bolesworth estate and having negotiated a very precarious and steep set of uneven stone steps we came upon an area named Muskets Hole. Treading very carefully around the edge, as the cliff face to the side of us led to a sheer drop  we reached Raw Head, the highest point on the Sandstone trail. At 745 feet high we should have had a great view across the Cheshire Plains from the trig point. Sadly for us the trees have now grown to such a height that nothing is visible apart from the green canopy. Continue reading

May Ramble. Lambs, Ice cream and no mud!

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Eight Ramblers met today to travel to Wycoller Country Park near Colne.
The walk started from the ample (free) Visitor Car Park some 500 yards from the village of Wycoller. We were joined here be Hazel, a lady who lives in the area and a friend of Hilary one of our group members. Hazel proved to be a strong walker and we roped her in as group photographer from time to time. Continue reading