Tech and science – Correction

We got our dates mixed up in the previous post. Hopefully this better.

A small turnout for ‘3 lines of coke’ but it seemed to be well received. Hopefully folk know a lot more about Pepsi cola, coal coke  and crystal meth 🙂

Our next topic will be the history of Thalidomide on Wed 22 Jan.

February:  12th – Kodaks first digital moments 26th – HAARP
March 12th we will be looking at ‘glass making’ with John. We are proposing a visit to the world of glass museum in St. Helens on Wednesday March 26th. We have the option for a private (FREE) visit or as a group with various add-ons for £15 per head.  Have a look at the website please, check out the group visit and let know if you’re interested.

Tech and science

A small turnout for ‘3 lines of coke’ but it seemed to be well received. Hopefully folk know a lot more about Pepsi cola, coal coke  and crystal meth 🙂

Our next topic will be the history of Thalidomide on Wed 22 Jan.

On Feb 12th we will be looking at ‘glass making’ with John. We are proposing a visit to the world of glass on Feb 26th. We have the option for a private (FREE) visit or as a group with various add-ons for £15 per head.  Have a look at the website please, check out the group visit and let know if your interested.

In March we will be looking at Kodak digital (12) and HAARP (26)

Wine Tasting 30/01/2025 Winetime at Scatchards

Many members visited the Wine Tasting desk this morning and paid the required fee (£12 for the tasting and , if required , £10 for the return taxi transfer).

Several members indicated their attendance when present at the Christmas lunch who have still to pay , can these members if still wanting a place please forward a cheque to George or visit the Wine Tasting desk and pay the relevant amount

If any additional members wish to join us they can follow the instructions above.

Bristol Cancellation available.

Bristol Art, March 21st 2025. 4 days 3 nights

Mo Bristol Flyer (1)

Bristol has a really great art scene.   It’s not just the home of Banksy we are visiting but four other art venues, so get yourselves fit for March 2025.      We have an eclectic itinerary, all entrances will be included if we have enough interest.

Book at our desk with Maureen or Jan

£75 Deposits upon booking 

Tech and Science

In March 2018 we discussed the origins and history of the Shipping Forecast.  

The Shipping Forecast is produced by the Met Office on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. It was first broadcast on 1 January 1924 as a weather bulletin called Weather Shipping before moving to the BBC a year later.

Here is a link to the BBC special

Best wishes for the New Year from Colin and Phil

We restart on January 8th with a few lines on Coke