Drawn to Water @Martin Mere.

Drawn To Water Quentin Blakes wonderful, humorous,drawings at Martin Mere .on until 24th February, brilliant place to take the kids in half term.

No an arranged visit  by us, just advise on a good exhibition at a great place. Especially in good weather, which it wasn’t today but being British we didn’t let it deter us.

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Technology and science

The January talk on ‘pain’ by Bob was excellent. He described how our bodies sense pain and how we react to stimuli. Discussion then turned to pain relief and dependency.

Future topics are:

Feb. 14th    Cancelled – room required
Feb. 28th    ‘Gut instinct’ – the brain/gut biome

Mar. 13th    The Manchester ship canal’
Mar. 27th    TBA

All welcome at Kensington House at 2.30

Lady Lever, Another View. Friday May10th, 1.30 pm

Another View: Landscapes by Women Artists

A brand new exhibition exploring and celebrating the history of landscapes by women artists   Free Entry,donations welcome.

Your donation makes a real difference and can help us welcome school and community groups, care for our world-class collections and share our great museums and galleries with everyone.

The painting Blackberry Gathering by Elizabeth Adela Forbes. The painting shows a woman and two girls in the countryside picking blackberries Blackberry Gathering, Elizabeth Adela Forbes (née Armstrong), first exhibited 1912

How beautiful is this?

 Friday 10th  May Meet at Gallery @ 1.15pm  or at Maghull Station for 11.am  train ,to have lunch in lovely cafe on site.

Book at u3a Tuesday with Maureen or Jan

All welcome. TAKE CARE .


We will start our day with a visit to Heskin Hall Shopping Village Nr.Chorley.  Set in open countryside. Plenty of interest here  and a selection of individually owned shops. The perfect place if your are looking for a special something. There is a nice cafe, Hepplestones Art Gallery, Ice Cream Parlour and a selection of fresh food outlets.  Then we will cross over to Heskin Hall. A Lancashire Tudor Manor House dating back to the l500’s. with an interesting history. It is now one of the largest antique centres in the North West with individually owned antique outlets. Here we will have a 2 course hot meal followed by tea/coffee. We will then have a talk (subject to be confirmed but relating to the property) and time to wander and see some of the valuables on offer.

WHEN?? Thursday 18th April 2024. Departing 9.15am Returning 5pm. Price: £25 inc. 2 course lunch/tea/coffee. Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday  6th February 2024.

Architecture for Fun 28/3/24 Canal Boat Cruise

Due to unanticipated demand , it has been necessary to add one additional canal boat

Therefore there will be two separate trips , one at 12 noon and one at 2.30pm . There is now availability for 48 members to take the trip , 24 at 12 noon and 24 at 2.30pm. The coach for the 12 noon trip will leave Maghull Square at 11.20am and the coach for the 2.30pm trip will leave at 1.50pm (times are approximate)

I have 19 members ( some added off the reserve list) who have yet to pay. Payment is  required urgently as I have 2 members on the reserve list.who will be given consideration for a place if payments are not made shortly. I have split the 48 members currently on the list into 4 groups of 12 (24 for 12noon and 24 for 2.30approx.)

Please text me on 07826 048379 if either of the times is unacceptable  or if discussion is required.

Family History – Feb. 1st

1841 Census

The 1841 census is considered to be the first modern UK census. Each householder was required to complete a census schedule which contained the household address and the names, ages, sexes, occupations and places of birth of each individual living at the address.

Choose any member of your family alive in 1841 young or old. Where did the live, are they married, have a job. Which research methods did you use?