Here is a link to a Facebook page which may be of interest?
Its a pair of astro photographs, the first of which was taken by Isaac Roberts, a one time dweller in Maghull.
The first in 1888 and the second in 2013
Here is a link to a Facebook page which may be of interest?
Its a pair of astro photographs, the first of which was taken by Isaac Roberts, a one time dweller in Maghull.
The first in 1888 and the second in 2013
Saturday was Maghull Festival day; a day where the many organisations that support the people of Maghull and give them a chance to get involved were celebrated.
The Activities room was crammed with many stalls many of whom represented groups I had no idea were active in Maghull. Face painting, merry-go rounds, children’s entertainers, singers and the MaDukes supported the event.
And yes, we were there too.
Maghull and Lydiate u3a had our own stall promoting our own contribution to Maghull life.
Our thanks to to Margaret, Maureen C, Joan, Peter and Maureen B who brought samples of the work produced by their groups and also to Nigel, Irene, Pat and Lynne who helped man the stall.
Hi all
arrive 7.45am for a prompt 8am departure from Maghull Square.
Take care Maureen
Thanks to everyone that came along to the meeting on Monday.
Have a great summer. See you in the Autumn – we resume 2nd Sep. –Terry
Come for a return ride on the Bridgnorth Castle Hill Vernacular Railway (included in cost) , then move to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum , The Toll House and the Ironbridge after which we move to the Blists Hill Victorian Village , entrance included in cost (lunch can be had at this excellent tourist spot)
Several places remaining , text George on 07826 048379 or see George or Jeff at Architecture for Fun
Cost is £42 per member
This gallery contains 14 photos.
Peter Eykelenboom wrote: As a result of holidays, family commitments and injuries, the group was reduced to 5 participants. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant sunny morning as we set off from the Mere Sands Wood visitor centre. Initially following a … Continue reading
Please come along, you will be very welcome .
Our next presentations will be:
June 12th – Let there be light
Light in medical diagnostics
June 26th – 3 industrial disasters
Abbeystead, Bhopal and Flixborough
We will then break for the summer and return on September 11th
If you have a topic for us to present, or better still, to do yourself then please let us know. We are currently looking at chocolate, more industrial disasters, more Liverpool ‘firsts’ and some chemistry.
Have a great summer recess – Colin and Phil
Art Appreciation – Atkinson Gallery, Southport. Bill Tidy, MBE
We are to be given a talk / tour of this local lads wonderful, comic art work spanning many years.
August 7th at £ 3 donations
Meet at venue, nice cafe on site. Please book at desk with Maureen or Jan.