Technology and Science

Interested in all things science and technology?

Hope you had a good Christmas and the NY brings all you desire.  We restart the group in January with these topics:

Jan 11  AI in medical diagnosis.
Jan 25  ‘Smart home’ technology.

Kensington House for a 2.30 pm start.

If you have a topics for a presentation or fancy a go yourself then please let us know.    New members welcome.  

Technology and science

Bob Morris gave a really interesting presentation to the group on Wednesday. Entitled ‘All you need to know about drugs – Mostly the legal ones‘ it gave an insight into pharmacy operations in simple ‘lay persons’ language.

Various topics were covered including: looking after yourself, health literacy, pharmacy speak, the British National Formulary and drug ‘side effects’.

The BNF was particularly of note as it gives anyone the opportunity to examine prescription drug data online.

The public awareness campaign – National Pharmacy week ,
‘Ask Your Pharmacist’  this year will be on 31 October – 7 November.

Well done Bob