Sunday Strollers 19th March




Trains to Brunswick and then walk back to Pier Head (1.7 miles) or meet us at ferry terminal Pier Head at 11.50. Catch 12 o’ clock ferry to Seacombe. Walk from Seacombe to New Brighton (3 miles). Have lunch in New Brighton (various restaurants take your pick)

Catch bus 432 or 433 back to Liverpool run every 30 minutes. Or walk back to catch Ferry at Seacombe (3 miles) Ferries leave Seacombe at 20 minutes pass the hour last ferry 4.20pm

Walk distances: 3 miles 4.7 miles or 7.7 miles take your pick

John or Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 for further details

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Sunday Strollers

Last Sunday, Jan 15th,  a group of 17  walked from Waterloo Station along the promenade, past the Crosby Baths and Coastguard Station, through the sand hills and on to the Hightown Yacht Club. From there we walked through the nearby built up area and completed the walk at Hightown Railway station,  a distance of approx 5 miles.

Weather conditions were very windy but the walk was enjoyed by all.

The day ended with some of us having lunch in The Great Mogull,  back in Maghull

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Team Leader was Colin Gore, very ably assisted by Evelyn Rogers with her local knowledge.

Sunday Strollers next walk 15th January

Next walk for Sunday Strollers is 15th January.  We will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50 to catch 11am Liverpool train. The walk is from Waterloo to Hightown.  Leaders are Colin and Evelyn, and I will be point of contact to answer any queries.  (07900525222 Brenda McKenzie).  It has been decided to eat at Great Mogul pub on return to Maghull at about 2.30

Sunday Strollers- Autumn Leaves


Sylvia Roberts led the walk this Sunday from West Kirkby, to Thurston along the Wirral Way and then back along the sea front to West Kirkby. A 6.2 mile walk. Everyone agreed it had been a great walk, with plenty of variety. A young  couple agreed to take a photo for us and even shook the over hanging tree so the leaves fell at the appropriate time. The group are doing a local walk next month on 20th November followed by lunch/coffee at Scrummies.  We are meeting in January to plan our walks for next year and some of the members have agreed to lighten the load and share leading walks, this will help to keep the group going.  Groups should be aiming for group members to each do a little which saves a few doing it all, which results in a win win for everyone.  If you are interested in joining this group please contact John or Brenda McKenzie for further details on 0151 531 0207.


We will be walking this Sunday 30th October.  The walk will be from Waterloo to Hightown and we will then get the train to Freshfield and go to the Pinewoods Pub for lunch if you would like to join us.  Usual time at Maghull station 10.50 bring your pass with you if you have one.  Any queries ring 531 0207 and speak to John or Brenda or 07900525222

Sunday Strollers August Walk Cancelled

Due to the number of people being on holiday it has been decided to cancel the August walk.  The next walk will be on 25th September.  We will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50.  Don’t forget to bring your bus pass if you have one. There is an opportunity to do an extra walk that will be about 8.5 miles long in Ormskirk -The War Horse trail.  Possible date for this would be 18th September.  If you are interested in taking part in this walk please telephone Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0277.  If you would like to take part in a 4.5 walk on Sunday 14th August run by Sefton Active led by Brenda McKenzie please be at Birkdale Railway Station at, for further information please contact Brenda on above phone number.,


We have had to change the walk for 24th July.  We will now be doing a local walk along the canal to Aintree and back through Jubilee Woods.  This walk can be shortened by getting a train at Old Roan back to Maghull, or coming off at Bootle Arms and walking back to Maghull.  If you have any queries please ring  01515310207 and speak to John or Brenda.  We will do the War Horse trail another Sunday date to be advised.

Next Sunday Stroller Walks

24th July – Ormskirk War Horse trail (shorten version) we need to find somewhere to have lunch in Ormskirk any suggestions?

21st August – New Brighton to Moreton.  We will get train to Hoylake when we have finished and have lunch at the Ship

25th September – Ainsdale to Formby- Lunch at Pinewoods

23rd October – West Kirkby to Caldy- Need to find somewhere in West Kirkby to have lunch.

20th November – Sefton Stroll meeting at Punch Bowl

No walk in December

Except for the walk in November when we will meet at The Punch Bowl,(we will sort out lifts if needed)  we will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50.  If you have a pass please bring it with you. Keep checking website for further details   John McKenzie 07900525222.

Sunday Strollers June walk.


14 members of the Sunday walking group completed a 5 mile walk from Hightown to Freshfield today (26thJune).  Everyone agreed it had been a great leisurely walk.  The leader John McKenzie tries to find walks that are:

  • about 5 miles long
  • on the flat
  • finish at a nice pub for lunch
  • that gives people the opportunity to cut short the walk, if 5 miles is to long for them.

Today’s walk ticked all these boxes.  One other member joined us for lunch after completing a mile walk to get to pub and a mile back to the station, a total of 2 miles. Well done Roberta!!!

The groups next walk will be on 24th July, meeting at Maghull Station at 10.50.  The route to be advised at a later date.  John would love to hear from anyone who knows of walks that fit the above criteria.