
Our philosophy group meets on the third Wednesday of each month. We are a very friendly group, with no experts, just people who are interested in finding out what the meaning of life is all about and what great thinkers have had to say about it.  Our discussions have ranged from  Plato to the philosophy of walking and lots in between. If you feel you would like to explore Philosophy  come along and you will receive a warm welcome and no prior experience of Philosophy is needed.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 21 st  November at Kensington House from 2.30  to 4.30 where we will discuss some of the philosophy  of Education. We will also  examine some different meanings of intelligence.


Our philosophy group meets on the third Wednesday of each month. We are a very friendly group, with no experts, just people who are interested in finding out what the meaning of life is all about, and what great thinkers have had to say about it.  Our discussions have ranged from  Plato to the philosophy of walking and lots in between. If you feel you would like to explore Philosophy  come along and you will receive a warm welcome and no prior experience of Philosophy is needed

We recommence after our summer break on Wednesday 18th September 2.30pm Kensington House.  Our topics for this meeting  will be Greek Philosophers  ( a re look )  we will also look at the current concept of ” KARMA”.  and plan our programme for the year.

Group Leader  Tony Snape  Tel : 526 3146.


Philosophy is not just the preserve of brilliant but eccentric thinkers that it is popularly supposed to be. It is what everybody does when they are not busy dealing with their everyday business  and get a chance simply to wonder what life and the universe are all about.image-150x150

  • We are a friendly group  and you are most welcome to come along and give it a try. We meet once a month
  • next meeting  Wednesday 15th November 2017  we will be studying current British philosopher Mary Warnock
  • 2.30pm to 4.30pm.  
  • Contact Tony Snape 526 3146.
  • Please note there will be no meeting in December .We will  restart on the 3d Wednesday in January 2018.