Philosphy – Free will !


Our topic this month is Free Will. I think this will involve some good debate.

Do we have free will?  How far does Society, Culture etc restrict our free will and much more

Everybody is welcome to come and enjoy. No Philosophy knowledge needed, just listen and join in if you wish or not.

Kensington House Station Road 2.30 pm. Contact  Tony Snape 07753 423075.

Small is beautiful

This month we will be looking at how Philosophical ideas can help us deal with dilemmas like environmental issues and third world issues. In particular we will be examining the work of Schumacher  the economist and philosopher through his 1970`s ground breaking book “Small is Beautiful”. This is a topic that should interest us all and is very current in most peoples thoughts about the present state of our planet. You would be very welcome to come along and enjoy our discussion, no philosophical background is needed just an interest in how we might shape our future. Just come and listen and join in if you wish or not.

We meet on Wednesday 20th September   2.30pm Kensington House

Contact :

Tel 07753423075.

Philosophy in May

This month we will look in a little more depth into Simone Weill, the 20th century French philosopher.  We also hope to start a relook at Plato, in particular his REPUBLIC and how this may or may not relate 
to present day society.
Remember philosophy is just what you  do when you sit and think about things. No expertise needed. All welcome.
Wednesday 17th May  2pm. at Kensington House
Contact  Tony Snape  0151 526 3146

Philosophy group

New season, new fun and exploration.

The Philosophy group will recommence on  Wednesday 18th September  2.30 pm @ Kensington House. All Welcome

Topic : a re-look at the early Greek philosophers. We will also look at the current concept of  ‘Karma‘ and we will give time to planning our programme for the year.

Group Leader Tony Snape   ( )