Recorder play day

Hello everybody, my name is Fiona Tucker and I host a Recorder Group in Formby, Merseyside and am trying to discover the level of interest in the proposal outlined below.

PROPOSED : A Recorder Playday.

VENUE  : The Quaker Meeting House, Liverpool

DATE:  Probably all day Friday or Saturday mid February 2024 depending on the availability of the venue.

COST: £15 depending on number of participants but not more than £20

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🌟. August closure – There will be no u3a Tuesday Coffee Morning on the 29th of August.  Please be aware that this closure does not affect any groups. Check with your group leaders to find out when or if they are closing for the summer.

🌟 In accordance with our Health and Safety policy may I remind members that we do not allow dogs at our Coffee Mornings unless they are registered  Guide Dogs.


Great New Group Opportunity

New Group –  Indoor Curling

No doubt you’ve all watched (if only a bit) the game of Curling at the Winter Olympics and been fascinated by the furious brushing of the ice by the team members as they try to ensure their stone gets closest to the ‘jack’.

Well, we can’t offer you an ice rink (so no brushing needed) but we can offer you a chance to play Indoor Curling at an u3a near you!! Continue reading

Tuesday Notices 20.06.23

🌟Theatre Group.                                                 Macbeth at Shakespeare North – 21st September 2023 19:30 £34.50 plus transport

42nd Street at the Empire – 7th September 2023 19:30 £33.00

🌟 Philosophy – 21st June 14:30 at Kensington House. All are welcome. Just come along and listen or join in if you wish.

🌟Beginners’ Spanish class – if you are interested in joining this new group please put your name and contact details on the Spanish notice at the Coffee Morning.

🌟Strambers2 class – if you are interested in joining this new group please put your name and contact details on the Stramblers’ notice at the Coffee Morning.

🌟Our new Book Club group now has a waiting list. If you are interested please speak to Sue Quinn about putting your name on the list.

Age Concern Flicks and Friends 20th June 2023

This month at the Plaza, Crosby Age Concern are screening the 2018 film ‘The Mercy’ starring Colin Firth and Rachel Weisz.  The film is based on the life of David Crowhurst and his attempt to sail around the world in the fastest time.

Doors will be open from 12:15 with the film starting at 13:00.  This is a free showing but any contributions towards Age Concern funds would be very appreciated.

Tuesday Notices – 13.06.23

Art Exhibition

Members of our Painting for Pleasure Group often take part in the Maghull & Lydiate Art Group and accordingly  many of their piece are on display at their exhibition.  The current exhibition of work will take place on the 17th and 18th of June at Lydiate Village Centre, on Lambshear Lane.                                                                                                                    The exhibition is free and there is ample road parking available.   Refreshments will be available.  The exhibition is open from 10:00 to 16:00 on each day.  Your support would be much appreciated.


Theatre News

  • There is still one ticket available for ‘Dirty Dancing’ at the Empire Theatre this coming Thursday.  The cost of the ticket is £39.00.
  • Tickets are available for ’42nd Street’ at the Empire on the 7th of September at 19:30.  The cost is £33.00. Please speak to the desk if you are interested.
  • Fancy seeing ‘Macbeth’ at Shakespeare North? We still have tickets for the performance on 21st of September.  Tickets cost £34.50 with an additional cost for transport to be added.

History for Fun

On Friday 16th of June, David Ward will be giving a talk about The French Revolution at Kensington House. The talk starts at 14:30 and entrance is £3.00

Tuesday Notices 06.06.23

🌟. Stramblers walking group – this group has reached its maximum numbers and is hoping to start a second group. Naturally a second group has to have viable numbers and at the moment it is looking for additional members.  If you are interested in joining this group please contact Ann Blundell on 07799006845 or put your name and contact number on our notice board at the Coffee Morning.

🌟 History for Fun dates. 16.06.23 The French Revolution a talk by David Ward   21.07.23 A talk (tbd) by Frank Carlyle and 18.08.23 a talk by Kate Hurst

Meeting at Kensington House 14:30 cost £3.00

🌟 Maghull Town Hall sandwich and a drink. This free  lunch offer will continue each Monday between 13:00 and 15:00 until the summer break.

Tuesday Notices – 23.05.23

🌟Art Appreciation – Sadly the planned outing on the 12th July to Gladstone Pottery has had to be cancelled due to low numbers.

🌟A ticket is still available for Dirty Dancing at the Empire Theatre on 15th of June.

The group also have tickets available for Macbeth at the Prescot Globe on the 21st of September. £34.50

🌟History For Fun – the next meeting of the group will be on the 16th of June at 14:30 Kensington House. The topic will be the story of the French Revolution given by David Ward.

🌟Garden visits have organised a trip to Haddon Hall Gardens on the 26th July. Cost £23.00 Please chat to the team on the Garden Visits table for more info.

Annual General Meeting 16th May 2023

Our AGM will take place this coming Tuesday with doors open at 09:30 ready for a 10:00 start.  Please ensure you bring your red membership card with you as you will be asked for it on entry.

The Agenda for the AGM can be accessed here.                            The Minutes of the previous AGM can be accessed here.

Group Leaders should be aware that the Treasury Team is not available on the 16th.