Flicks and Friends 02.07.24

This month’s Flicks and Friends movie is ‘The Gift’.. The film was released in 2015 and is the story of a married couple, Simon and Robyn, who run into Gordo, an old classmate. Things take a turn when Gordo begins to drop in unannounced at their house and inundates them with mysterious gifts.

As always admission is free to all 60+ year olds but Age Concern are always appreciative of any donations on the day.

Click on the poster for more information.

Cyber Safety Talk 09.07.24

In this day and age, it’s almost impossible to have a life that doesn’t include the internet. This means there’s a whole world of scams and deceptions waiting to catch us out.  Thieves target people constantly with romance scams, banking scams, cat-fishing, delivery scams and more!

So, we have arranged for an expert in how to spot a scam and how to make our online world as safe as possible, to come and talk to us and he’ll be with us on the 9th July at 11:00 in the Church Sanctuary.

Dave Carlos was the Editor of a Computer Magazine in the 1980’s and has 40 years’ experience with machines of this kind. In his retirement he is currently a Cyber Volunteer for Lancashire Police

In this presentation Dave will cover the basics of Online Awareness and what changes you need to make to be more secure online.
Whether it’s Passwords, Cookies, Ransomware or social media, Dave will be happy to take your questions too.

We hope you will be able to attend this meeting, it could save you a lot of hassle one day.

Flicks and Friends 18.06.24

This month’s Flicks and Friends movie is Emily. The film was released in 2022  and is the imagined story of Emily Bronte telling her sister Charlotte where her inspiration for her book Wuthering Heights came from.

As always admission is free to all 60+ year olds but Age Concern are always appreciative of any donations on the day.

Click on the poster for more information.

Maghull Festival 15th June 2024

Saturday was Maghull Festival day; a day where the many organisations that support the people of Maghull and give them a chance to get involved were celebrated.
The Activities room was crammed with many stalls many of whom represented groups I had no idea were active in Maghull. Face painting, merry-go rounds, children’s entertainers, singers and the MaDukes supported the event.
And yes, we were there too.
Maghull and Lydiate u3a had our own stall promoting our own contribution to Maghull life.
Our thanks to to Margaret, Maureen C, Joan, Peter and Maureen B who brought samples of the work produced by their groups and also to Nigel, Irene, Pat and Lynne who helped man the stall.

Cribbage Group Update

Cribbage Group Update

Under the leadership of Neil Hawkes our new Cribbage Group has a venue and time sorted. 
We will be based (for a while at least) at Kensington House, Station Road, Maghull.  We will meet each Thursday morning 10:00 – 12:00. Cost will be £2.00 per session. Our starting date will be 11th April.
All who have expressed an interest are asked to confirm their interest by listing their name and number on the notice board in the coffee room, online or by contacting Neil on 07369 212101



Flicks and Friends

Next Tuesday the Plaza are showing the film ‘Wicked Little Letters’ as their Age Concern film of the month.

Free to all 60+ the film covers the scandalous story of the mystery of Littlehampton. Who was behind the letters sent to members of the community? Olivia Coleman and Timothy Spall lead the cast.

Click on the poster for full details


Committee Role and Training Opportunity

In May 2024 our current Secretary, Linda Simms, will come to the end of her term of office having held the role for six years.  This means we are now actively seeking someone who would like to take on this valuable role.

Linda now only has two months in her role and would welcome any member who would like to shadow her during that time.  We are quite happy to split Linda’s role into two distinct parts if it helps, so that can be shared by two members.

Firstly we will need a Minutes Secretary to take down the confidential minutes of our Committee Meetings and our Group Leaders’ Meetings.  There are ten Committee meeting a year and some three group Leader Meetings.  An ability to use shorthand is a great advantage here, but it should not preclude anyone from taking on the role.  Secondly we will need an Admin Secretary who will deal with the forms and the procedures of the u3a Trust.

If you think either of these positions would interest you please contact Linda or Jane on a Tuesday morning for more details or email us at enquiries@mandlu3a.org.uk

🌟🌟 In addition – should you fancy joining us on the Committee in another role, the nomination papers for Committee places will be available on our Admin page very soon. Please give some serious thought as to how you can support our u3a.