June 14th Pre Raphaelites , Birmingham

We have a few places available for this trip to Birmingham Cathedral and Art Gallery / Museum, due to cancelations.

Don’t miss this wonderful art lovers event to view the stained glass windows, the pre Raphaelite art and the stunning arts and Craft  jewelry of Georgie Gaskin.

My grannie had a broach of these,  very like this, I lost it.Arthur & Georgie Gaskin silver brooch

£45 including  coach . entry to both venues

Maghull Sq 8.00 am  home about 5.30 pm

book at  art appreciation desk Tuesdays with Maureen or Jan.

Confirmed reopening, Lady Lever. 10th May

Lady Lever May 10th

Another View: Landscapes by Women Artists

A brand new exhibition exploring and celebrating the history of landscapes by women artists   Free Entry,donations welcome.

Your donation makes a real difference and can help us welcome school and community groups, care for our world-class collections and share our great museums and galleries with everyone.

The painting Blackberry Gathering by Elizabeth Adela Forbes. The painting shows a woman and two girls in the countryside picking blackberries Blackberry Gathering, Elizabeth Adela Forbes (née Armstrong), first exhibited 1912

How beautiful is this?

 Friday 10th  May Meet at Gallery @ 1.15pm  or at Maghull Station for 11.am  train ,to have lunch in lovely cafe on site.

Immersive Van Gogh @Liverpool venue June 12th

N. B this event is closed. No places left.

  • At last we can see this with out travelling so far.

I know we did York last year however this is a different take on Van Gogh. Or like me, do you just  want to go again?

If you are interested as a newcomer or been before, let me know ASAP

cost, group concessions  £22.00

Have provisionally booked 25 places ,  Friday July 12th  11.15 am slot.

Book at desk with Maureen or Jan