1 What colour is named Prussian?
Category Archives: Art Appreciation
Art Quiz 19
Art Quiz 18
1 Which Austrian artist painted the Kiss
7 Name Clement Freud’s famous brother?8 Which artist has a style of beard named after him?9 Who was the illustrationist for Peter Pan books as seen here?
10 Who designed la sagrada familia?
art quiz 17
Art Quiz 16
1 Which of these is a work by English artist Tracey Emin?
- My Fridge
- My Bed
- My Sofa
- My Television
- 2 Who painted this garden?
- 6 Rene Magritte’s ‘The Son of Man’ depicts a man in a suit and bowler hat. Which fruit is covering his face?
Art Appreciation – Quiz 15. July 3 rd
I hope these are answerable with some research maybe, but what else have you to do?
1What genre of art is this painting by Alphonse Mucha?2 The Girl With a….’what’? Is a 17th Century painting by Johannes Vermeer?3 Where did Toulouse Lautrec usually hang out with Absinthe?4 Which artist made this quote;?I am no longer an artist,I am a messenger for those who want the war to go on forever…and may it burn their lousy souls?5 What famous painting is on the new £20 note?6 How many art works, Paintings, Sculptures, or Photographs are called The Kiss?7 Who painted this flower?8 The painting , The Dinner Party was by a local artist. Where did we view it on one of our local art trips? N.B ( if you came should will remember)9 How many Guggenheim Galleries are there?1 0 Who did Frida Kahlo marry and how many times?11 Which British Pop Artist did this Collage?
12 Which famous statesman when asked to cut the art funding during the war,
Art appreciation -quiz 14
Art Quiz no. 12 ! Phew.
Hi Art lovers, week 12 of me racking my brains for interesting questions to test your art skills.. It seems they are becoming a little more challenging so searching for answers any way you can is acceptable. Your brain is still being put to good use and you never know you may retain some of the knowledge for life after lock down.
I hope your all staying safe and NOT taking any chances, it’s still out there.
I have been busy painting this is my take on Britain in lock down If you can decipher any of it let me know. damfield@aol.com
See you all soon for a big Artistic get together. Take care –
Maureen and George
Art lovers – Quiz
Hi all
If you are wanting to exercise your art knowledge we have a weekly art quiz online.
If you would like to take part email me: damfield@aol.com
and I will be happy to send you the quiz.
REMEMBER use it or lose it.
Take care – Maureen xx
Digital camera group
We have been asked if any Maghull and Lydiate U3A members can enter the Digital Camera Groups’ bi monthly competitions. The group leaders have agreed to have open entry while we are virus bound so you are invited to enter. There are no prizes on offer, just the glory and a possible viewing at our yearly exposition 🙂
The conditions are stated below:
- Open to ALL members.
- Maximum of 3 entries per person please.
- File format to be JPEG with a maximum size of 1 MB
- email to terry_u3a@tiscali.co.uk
- Entries no later than 3 days before the subject date
- The subjects and dates are listed below.
20 Apr Birds and animals 04 May Landscape 18 May Winter 01 Jun Nature
So good luck and getting snapping!