Architecture for Fun 19th December 2022

Arrangements have been made to visit Preston on the above date

Luxury coach from Maghull Square , leaving 9.45am to arrive Preston 10.45am for an 11.00am start

Shri Guru Gobind Sikh Gurdawara Temple is the first stop where we will be given a talk on “Sikhism” followed by a vegetarian lunch at the premises.

We will leave approx. 1.30 – 1.45pm to move to Vajravarahi Kadampa Meditation Centre (a Buddhist Centre) for 2.00pm  where we will be given a talk on Buddhism and meditation

We will leave Preston at approx. 4.00pm to arrive back at the Square for 4.45 – 5.00pm

Cost is £30 per member , text George on 07826 048379 to secure a place (only 30 available) or see George or John at U3A coffee morning

A4Fun @ Gillmoss – 30th Nov

Arrangements have been made to visit the Gillmoss Materials Recovery Facility on Wednesday 30th November. There will be a 2 hour “Waste and Recycling Tour”  with 30 places available at a cost of £15 per member.

Come and see “What you can and can’t recycle at home” ; “The effect of contamination in the recycling bin” and “The journey of waste from your home to its final destination”

With the present concern for the globe  and climate change , this tour should be of interest to all members who look “to do there bit to improve matters”

Coach from Maghull Square (this is necessary as it is essential that all members arrive at the same time to commence the tour”

See George or John at Architecture for Fun desk or send George a text on 07826 048379 if a member wants to join the trip


A4Fun – Preston 31 st Oct

I have agreed the following itinerary (all times are approximate)

10.00am Leave Maghull Square
10.45am Arrive at Gujarat Hindu Society Temple
11.00am – 12noon Tour and Talk at Gujarat Hindu Society Temple
12.15pm Leave Gujarat Hindu Society Temple
12.30pm – 2.00pm Lunch at Ribble Pilot Pub
2.15pm Leave Ribble Pilot Pub
2.30pm arrive at St Warlburge’s  Church for tour and talk until 4.00pm
Leave Preston at 4.15pm , arrive Maghull Square 5.00pm

Preston Trip 31/10/22

As there is only a short time available to complete the administration for the trip

Can I request those members that have booked for the above to either (a) Call in to the coffee morning on October 18th and pay the required amount for the trip (£30) or (b) forward a cheque for the amount to me at 2 Manion Close , Lydiate , Liverpool L31 4AD.

There is a waiting list for this trip and if payment is not received as above I will have to consider resorting to the “waiting list” to achieve the required numbers

We hope to have lunch at The Ribble Pilot Pub and I require members to contact me by a visit to the coffee morning on 18/10 or telephone me on 07826 048379 / 0151 287 0308 to choose from 4 sandwiches.


A4F Preston 31/10/22

Arrangements have been agreed to visit Gujarat  Hindu Society Temple designed by Southport Architects NJSR for a “guided tour”

We will then take lunch at a local pub (negotiating at moment and details to follow)

We will then go on to visit and have a “guided tour” at St Walburge’s Church known as The Spire and The Martyrs Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest , a gothic revival style  Church designed by Joseph Aloysius Hansom who also invented “the Hansom Cab” and founded the “Builder journal”

Cost is £30 per member which includes luxury coach travel from and back to Maghull Square . guided tours at both venues and lunch. ONLY 30 PLACES AVAILABLE , PLEASE TEXT GEORGE ON 07826 048379 TO RESERVE A PLACE AND PAY (IF POSSIBLE) ON 04/10/22

Architecture for Fun and Wine Tasting

Arrangements have been agreed with The Alabany (Albany not Alabany) Restaurant to hold the Christmas Lunch on Thursday 15th December

Members should visit the Architecture for Fun desk to determine whether a place is available (consideration will be given to those members who have supported Architecture for Fun and Wine Tasting throughout 2022)

Text George on 07826 048379 if a member requires to book a place.