Arrangements have been made to visit Preston on the above date
Luxury coach from Maghull Square , leaving 9.45am to arrive Preston 10.45am for an 11.00am start
Shri Guru Gobind Sikh Gurdawara Temple is the first stop where we will be given a talk on “Sikhism” followed by a vegetarian lunch at the premises.
We will leave approx. 1.30 – 1.45pm to move to Vajravarahi Kadampa Meditation Centre (a Buddhist Centre) for 2.00pm where we will be given a talk on Buddhism and meditation
We will leave Preston at approx. 4.00pm to arrive back at the Square for 4.45 – 5.00pm
Cost is £30 per member , text George on 07826 048379 to secure a place (only 30 available) or see George or John at U3A coffee morning