Met. Cathedral and Crypt

An agreement has been reached with the Executive Assistant to the Dean to visit the Cathedral and Crypt on Thursday December 12th.

Meet at 10.30am at the main entrance for a guided tour of the Cathedral at 10.45am  This should last approx. 1 hour (there is a children’s carol concert at the Cathedral at 12 noon so we will need to be out of the Cathedral at approx. 11.45/11.55am

There is a cafe in the front of the Cathedral and members may wish to have lunch/tea/coffee etc

We will then return to the Crypt for approx.1.00/1.15pm (we will try to get a guided tour of the Crypt but this is to be confirmed with the Executive Assistant to the Dean) , if not , it will be a self guided touir.

Cost for both the Cathedral and the Crypt is £8.00 per member.

Only 4 places left , See George/John at carol concert or call 07826 048379

Please see George Birchall or John Chapman on the Architecture for Fun desk if you wish to join the trip or call George on 0151 287 0308.


Aintree racecourse tour

Architecture for Fun is proposing to visit Aintree racecourse where we will have a conducted tour by the historian (Nb. members will not be expected to jump the fences)

The dates are Thursday 14th November and  Wednesday 20th November , there is a maximum of 30 places on each day , we will progress the list for 14th November first and if this fills up , we will commence a new list for 20th November

Entry is through the gates on Grand National Avenue which is off Ormskirk Road ( A59) Aintree Station is opposite (park in front of the Princess Royal Grandstand straight ahead as you drive in) , meet at 1.45 – 2.00 pm . Tour should last approx. 60 minutes.

We will then gather at the Princess Royal Reception where we will meet Jessica Dalgleish and then be taken to the Community Hub to meet Jane Clarke , the Historian.

The cost is £5 per member if the 30 places are taken (ie the cost required by the racecourse is £150 per tour)  BOTH DATES FULLY BOOKED UP

Complimentary tea and coffee provided

Members will make there own way to the racecourse but the entrance position will be provided well prior to the visits

See George Birchall or John Chapman at Architecture for Fun desk or David Russell at Family History desk

AFF and Wine Tasting Christmas Lunch

Architecture for Fun and Wine Tasting has arranged a   Christmas lunch on Thursday 19th December 2019 , arrival at 11.45am approx.

As usual it will be at The Academy Restaurant, off Duke Street, Liverpool.  There will be a four course lunch at £25 per person (any drinks at members own cost)

An analysis has been completed to determine those members who have given most support to the groups throughout 2019.  Please see George Birchall at Architecture for Fun / Wine Tasting desk to see if you qualify or call him on 07826 048379




Architecture for fun – Shugborough

We are proposing a visit to the Shugborough Estate, Great Haywood, Staffordshire on Thursday 10th October 2019 , likely departure time 8.45am approx.

This will include return coach travel  from and to Maghull Square , entry to the estate , a tour of Shugborough Hall , a tour of Patrick Lichfields private apartment  , access to the grounds which include a model farm museum with rare breeds of farm animals , the estates brewery “Titanic Brewery” , gardens and much more.

Cost is £17.00 for NT members and £30.00 for non NT members

There are 2 places to eat on the estate at members own cost

Due to the level of interest , a larger coach has been booked , 

Tour now full , members meet at Maghull Square at 8.20am for 8.30am departure

Please see George Birchall or John Chapman at Architecture for Fun desk or call George on 07826 048379 or John on 07849 831623

Architecture for Fun – Towneley Hall

We are proposing a trip to Towneley Hall , Burnley on 11th September 2019 There will be a guided tour of the Hall which houses among other things , Egyptology , Art Gallery including decorative art and furniture , Natural History , Local History , Textiles and others

There is a 440 acre estate including parkland and gardens. Refreshments/lunch can be taken at members own cost in either of two cafes (stables and formal gardens) and there is a garden centre.Cost £23.00 for coach transfers , entry , guided tour and garden access.
Contact George Birchall or John Chapman at Architecture for Fun desk
or telephone 07826 048379 (George) or John (07849 831623) ONLY  A FEW PLACES LEFT 

Georgian Liverpool – 8th August 2019

Several walking tours are to be arranged, run by DAVID HEARN , BA (HONS) MA.

They will be circular tours starting and ending at Central Station (meet at the statue of the “Liver Bird” in the foyer

For more details of the tour , please see George Birchall or John Chapman at the Architecture for Fun desk.

The tours will take approximately one and a half hours depending on the number of questions put to David.

There is a maximum number for each group of 15  members approx.  , we will run 3 groups at 10.30am , 12.30pm and 2.30pm

Cost is £3.00 per member


Telephone numbers George 0151 287 0308 or 07826 048379 or John 0151 526 8948 or 07849 831623


Dunham Massie / Jodrell Bank

We propose a visit to Dunham Massie and  Jodrell Bank on Thursday 4th July 2019.
Coach from Maghull Square (members to arrive at 8.15am for 8.30am departure) and return (approx. 6.00pm)

Entry and viewing of gardens at Dunham Massie (house closed on Thursdays) (NT  members free , non NT members £9.50 NT MEMBERS TO TAKE THERE NT CARD PLEASE

Lunch available at Dunham Massie or Jodrell Bank  at cost to member

Entrance and talk on Jodrell Bank with free time to tour site

Total cost , Coach , Dunham Massie and Jodrell Bank £22.00 for NT members and £31.50 for non NT members


Contact George Birchall or John Chapman at Architecture for Fun desk or call George on 0151 287 0308

Visit to Appleby Castle , Moot House , St Annes Hospital 13th June 2019

We propose a visit to Appleby in Westmorland

We will visit the Moot House where Stan Rooke will talk to us about the history of Appleby and the Moot House (one of only two in the UK) 16th century

Next , we will have a guided tour around Appleby Castle with lunch provided (soup , sandwich and tea/coffee) 12th century castle

Then we will go to to St Annes Hospital (alms houses) organised by Lady Anne Clifford because of her concern for the welfare of the poor widows in the town. Built 1651.

If time allows , we will visit St Lawrences Church 12th century where Lady Anne Cliffords tomb is situated

Cost , coach guided tours and lunch is £34

Please see George Birchall at Coffee Morning or call 0151 287 0308 / 07826 048379

4 PLACES LEFT  , first 4 to telephone 07826 048379 will have a place reserved



Liver Buildings and BME 9th May 2019

At the Liver Buildings the tours are every 15 minutes and each tour can take 14 members. We propose (at this stage) 3 tours at 10.15am ,10.30am and 10.45am.

After the Liver Building tour we will visit the British Music Experience which is housed in the Cunard Building There is an exhibition of music, instruments and lots of other music orientated items etc from the 40’s to present day.

Lunch at BME extra cost £7 , (£5 saving negotiated) , therefore £2 required from members , choice of 7 sandwiches , side salad , drink and muffin , members require to make choice. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SANDWICH SUPPLIER WILL ONLY PROVIDE “SOURDOUGH BREAD” PLEASE CONTACT GEORGE OR JOHN IF THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE.

George Birchall has split the members in to 3 groups for the Liver tour , PLEASE SEE GEORGE RE. WHICH GROUP YOU ARE IN.

The cost for both visits is £30.00 per member (£32 if lunch is taken) .

Due to cancellations there are 2 places available


Greenwich and Eltham Palace

A trip has been organised with the Art Appreciation Group to the above from Sunday 28th July until Tuesday 30th July.

We will visit Bletchley Park on the way to London on the 28th July. We will stay in the 4* Double Tree by Hilton Docklands for 2 nights bed and Breakfast

On 29th July we will visit Eltham Palace in the morning  and in the afternoon  , Dulwich Picture Gallery. On 30th July we will visit Greenwich , a World Heritage Site where members can visit various landmarks/buildings.

Cost is £260.00 per person with a £100.00 single supplement charge

Please see George Birchall on Architecture for Fun desk or Maureen Birchall on Art Appreciation desk