The trip on Saturday 24th September leaves Maghull Square at 10.00am
Due to the recent incidences of “covid infection” it may be practical for members to wear some form of face covering whilst travelling to and from the event
The trip on Saturday 24th September leaves Maghull Square at 10.00am
Due to the recent incidences of “covid infection” it may be practical for members to wear some form of face covering whilst travelling to and from the event
The above visit by coach (leaving Maghull Square) for a guided tour of the Floral Pavilion Theatre , lunch and a guided tour of St Peter and St Paul with St Philomena Church has 8 places remaining
Cost is £25
Call or text George on 07826 048379 if a member wants to reserve a place (payment can be made at coffee morning on Tuesday 20/9)
Arrangements have been completed to visit The Floral Pavilion Theatre and The Church of Saints Peter and Paul and Saint Philomena (A Shrine Church)
Due to the theatre having productions in the week , the only day available that they can accommodate members is a Saturday
Luxury return coach from Maghull Square leaving Square at 10.00am , guided tour of the Floral Pavilion Theatre (11.00am and 11.30am ), a free sandwich lunch in the panoramic lounge overlooking the river (12 noon – 1.30pm) and then a guided tour of this famous Church (1.45pm – 3.30pm) , an Architectural Romanesque Gem designed by Ernest Bower Norris
Cost for trip is £25 per member , initially only 30 places available. Any member interested in joining the trip is to telephone or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place or call in at the Tuesday morning coffee morning
We have had a cancellation for the trip tomorrow.
The cost is £35 which includes luxury return coach travel from Maghull Square , entrance and tour of exhibits at Stonyhurst College , lunch at The Aspinall Arms and entrance and tour of Clitheroe Castle.
Coach leave from Maghull Square at 8.30am prompt , return approx. 5.30/6.00pm
First member to text George on 07826 048379 can take up place.
Arrangements are now complete for the visit on FRIDAY 19th August.
Leave Maghull Square at 8.30am , members to arrive in time for prompt departure
Agreement has been reached with Stonyhurst College , The Aspinall Arms and Clitheroe Castle for 40 members to be accommodated , see previous post for more detail
33 members have booked places (please attend coffee morning or send cheque to George) , 7 places remain
See George or John at Architecture for Fun desk or text George on 07826 048379
There are 2 places left on this trip
Coach leaves Maghull Square at 7.45am , please arrive in time prior to daparture
See George or John at Architecture for Fun desk
As we need to be at Cliffords Tower for an appointment at 10.00am we need to leave Maghull Square at 7.45am
Members to arrive at Square in sufficient time to allow for the departure time.
Arrangements have been agreed to visit Stonyhurst College in the morning followed by a buffet lunch at The Aspinall Arms and then an afternoon visit to Clitheroe Castle.
At Stonyhurst College Museum there are 2 new exhibitions , “Hot Holy Ladies” (a story of the unsung work of a variety of fascinating 17th century English Catholic women who ensured the rescue of numerous medieval objects and manuscripts targeted for destruction during the Reformation times) and “A Rich and Rare Memorial” showcases a sumptuous cloth of gold commissioned by King Henry V11 in 1495 for use in Westminster Abbey
We will then depart to The Aspinall Arms for a “buffet sandwich lunch with chips and salad plus tea/coffee”
After lunch we will visit Clitheroe Castle where we will have a guided tour of the external areas of the Castle and Keep together with a self guided tour of the Museum
The cost is £35 which includes return coach travel from Maghull Square , all costs at College and Castle , lunch (see George or John at the AFF desk or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place Nb. This is a FRIDAY trip
Do not miss the above trip
Cliffords Tower is a clover shaped motte and bailey fortification built by William the Conqueror in 1068 as a base for controlling the North of England
A recent £5 million project has been completed providing new internal walkways up to a new roof deck giving a 360 degrees view of the whole of York including the Minster
English Heritage members gain free access
Jorvik Viking Museum is a museum and visitor attraction containing lifelike mannequins and life size dioramas depicting Viking life in the city. Visitors are taken through the dioramas in small carriages equipped with speakers.
Please see George or John at the Architecture for Fun desk or text George on 07826 048379