Tooleys Boat Yard Banbury plus Lunch 24/4/25

We have arranged a visit to Tooleys Boat Yard at Banbury on the above date

We will have a return journey by luxury corporate coach from Maghull Square leaving at approximately 8.00am

We will be told about the history of the Oxford Canal and the Boatyard and then we will have a guided tour of the Boat Yard including the Blacksmith Forge (dated 1778 including a demonstration)  , Dry Dock (dated 1778) , Carpenters Workshop , Paint Store , Belt Driven Machinery Shop and then view the historic wooden boat “Hardy” built in the 1940s and a look around the museum

We will then have a 40 minute canal boat ride along the Oxford Canal

Lunch ( a buffet consisting of 8 different items) will be taken in Ye Olde Reine Deer Inn

Numbers restricted to 36 members (18 members booked this morning)

Cost is £43 , please visit the AFF desk to book and pay

Arch for Fun and Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting 18th March (6.30 at venue , 5.50 for taxi transfer) £12 for tasting and £10 for taxi transfer SOME PLACES STILL REMAINING

Thursday 27th March     Dewlay Cheese Factory and Hopworks Brewery Preston . A FEW PLACES REMAINING Cost £39 (those members who came to Lichfield) and £43

 Saturday 27/9/25 – 02/10/25 (6 days / 5 nights) Cornwall Wine Tour  Booking Form and Flyer now available (THERE ARE A LARGER NUMBER OF MEMBERS WHO HAVE SHOWN AN INTEREST THAN PLACES AVAILABLE) Please visit Wine Tasting Desk to  book  your place , complete Booking Form and pay £75 deposit

Contact George by text on 07826 048379 if further discussion is required

Dewlay Cheese Factory and Hopworks Brewery

Arrangements are in hand to visit the above outlets on Thursday 27th March , travelling by luxury coach from Maghull to Garstang in the morning and then onto Preston in the afternoon before we return to Maghull

There will be guided tours of both outlets and sampling of cheese at Dewlay and samples of beer and pizza at Hopworks

Costs are £39 for those members who are taking the Lichfield trip and £43 for other members

Please see George or Jeff at the AFF desk or text George on 07826 048379

Lichfield 27/02/2025

See my post

I have 29 members booked after yesterdays coffee morning.  The luxury coach I have booked holds 39 passengers.

Can members who have booked a place , please arrange to pay by forwarding a cheque to George or pay at the desk on Tuesday morning

If any member wishes to take up a remaining place , please text George on 07826 048379 or visit the Architecture for Fun desk

This trip is one that Book Club members might enjoy as we are visiting the Samuel Johnson Museum, well know. as the man who wrote the first English Dictionary