Table games

The Table Games group is still looking for new members.

If you would like to try Bridge and Scrabble in a very friendly group then come along to our Monday morning sessions between 10 and 12 at Maghull Town Hall.

Gill Porter is currently standing in for Phil.

Cath and Gill and Phil look forward to meeting you.

Grande Finale Concert

Our 10th Anniversary celebrations end in glorious fashion with a concert at 1.30 pm.  on the 26th November at Maghull Parish Hall.

Starting with refreshments (hot pot, curry or vegetarian option), we will move on to a marvellous show which it would be a shame to miss.  An extravaganza, starring our own U3A’s amazing Line Dancers, alongside our Drama Group, who will present a one act comic drama, a visiting Guitar Group from Aughton and Ormskirk U3A and ending with a resounding sing-along.

Tickets on sale soon at the Coffee Morning at a cost of £5.00
Definitely an event for your diaries!

Maths 4 Fun

A reminder that our first meeting will be on Wednesday 5th October 14.00  –  16.00 at 2 Daisy Mount, Maghull.

A chance to explore all the fun stuff they never told you at school.

No stress!!!    Plenty of laughs.

If you would like to join us and didn’t put your name on the original list, then please contact me on 284 8454 or email

Holiday Group

bletchBletchley Park & Burghley House
Fancy finding out how the Enigma machine really worked?
This is your chance; booking opens on the 3rd of October for a five day break around the Huntingdon/Cambridge area next September.
At £399.00 this includes half board accommodation in a four star hotel and
various excursions including a day at Betchley Park home of the spy masters.

 Click on the link to find full details of the holiday or see the Holiday Desk next Tuesday.


Tech and Science report

unnamedOur last meeting saw Norman Stalford on

“Move it, Shift it, Move it”, a very detailed, but excellent presentation on moving and lifting throughout the ages.

He gave deatailed numbers for the huge lifting capacities of the latest systems and ended with images of  the new dockside cranes in Liverpool.

Our next meeting is 28th on IoT – The Internet of Things


Water: our scarcest resource?

Did you know that half the hospital beds in the world are occupied by people with water shortage related problems?

Fresh water, dirty water, too much of it, too little of it!

Come and find out more, and express your views over a cup of tea/coffee at our discussion group on Thursday 22nd September 13.30-15.00

Venue: Melling Tithebarn, L31 1EE (round the corner from the Bootle Arms)

Entrance £1


Canal Walking Group

We now have 25 people showing interest in the Canal Walking Group.

We will be meeting on 12th September at 12 o, clock, at Maghull Parish Hall.

It looks like this group will walk on 4th Thursday.  Brian Leech who runs the Discussion group on the 4th Thursday has been advised and has no problem with this

We are encouraging full participation from group members.