Parish notices – 26/09/17

Architecture for fun- Powis Castle 12th Oct- just 3 places left.

Theatre trips- War Horse 24th Nov £48 booking now.

Christmas Social and Lunch- see board/Website. Tickets next week from Chris Fletcher.

Gardeners’ QT 29th Sept and 1st oct radio 4- q. asked by our practical gardening group

Discussion group thurs28th on Greatness- what does it mean?

Gardening trips- 4th Oct Maenan Abbey -places available due to sickness.

Local History- Thurs oct 3rd- talk on Liverpool Women-pioneers by Diane Cox.

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vector-silhouette-people-nordic-walking-nature-47098045[1]RETURN TO MAGHULL

From Monday 2nd October, 2017, we will be moving back to Maghull for the winter.
Meeting at; Maghull Baptist Church car park
Day/Time; Monday nights @ 6.30pm (except for public holidays)
Duration; 1 hr circular walk on well lit pavements
Clothing/Safety; Please wear suitable warm and waterproof clothing and footwear for the conditions. (Also high-vis jackets or vests/lights etc if possible)

(Please note that our last walk for 2017 will be on Monday 11th December 2017)


Recorder Group

Treble Recorder Group

We meet at 11.00 on a Tuesday morning in Maghull Baptist Church. This is a half hour session for treble recorders. We are mainly a beginners group so anyone wishing to join us will be welcome .

Leader  Christine Otim

Assistant  Lynne Maloret     tel. no. 0151 526 4490

Discussion group – Thur 28th Sept

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 28th September 1.30 – 3.00 at Melling Tithebarn when our subject will be  GREATNESS.

You might like to expressemptyplinth your views on people or inventions that you think deserve the accolade, books or films considered classics, sporting personalities past or present.

Entrance £1      All welcome

Come and join in this friendly group for great discussions over a cup of tea / coffee.


Parish Notices – 19/09/17

We are back at our normal haunt at Baptist Church.

Bird watching meeting at 11am today in computer room- see Brenda for more info.

Day trip to Saddleworth- still some people who need to complete choice of meal slips.

Architecture for Fun- Powis Castle -12th Oct – still approx 8 places available.

Wine tasting holiday to Spain– leaves Maghull Square on 23rd Sept.Please be there at 6.15 am for 6.30 am departure- See George for more details.

The details for walks in October are now on the notice board.

Theatre- Spriit of Christmas and New Year concert- please pay by end of October.

Gardening trip to Maenen Abbey and Betws-y-coed on 4th Oct-including 2 course meal-£33 all inclusive- some seats available.

Flower arranging- 8 week course see Brenda for info.

Low Impact Zumba – Mondays at Leisure Centre 9-9.45. check for starting date.


There is now a safety map on both notice boards concerning assembly points if a fire- Please read and check you understand.

Please – already we have been asked NOT to park outside the church in the road areas but in church car park or Cricket ground car park.

Finally, early notice!!  Our practical gardening group went to the Gardeners’ Question Time held at Ness Garden – David Ward asked a question on behalf of our U3A- program broadcast on 29th Sept 3pm Radio 4, repeated Sunday 1 st Oct- so we will be known across the country.



Parish Notices – 12/09/17

Day Trip to Saddle worth on 27th Sept, menus must be filled in this week
Architecture for Fun- trip to Whalley Abbey on 14th- 4 places left at £25
Modern France meets this afternoon at 2.30 Lydiate Village Hall.
Bletchly holiday, leaves square this Thursday at 7.15 am.
Gardening trip to Plas Newydd- leaves tomorrow morning from square at 8.45.Still places available.
We should be back at the Baptist church next week-  19th Sept- free coffee and biscuits to celebrate.
We now have a new secretary to start from next AGM- however we need a new treasurer and independant auditor.


Technology and Science

The Technology and Science group resumes after the summer recess with our usual
fortnightly, Wednesday meetings:  Future topics are:-

Sep 13         Pencils – History and science with Phil

Sep 27         Rape and Spillage with David Allen

Oct 11          Guns with Frank Wood

Have you a subject or interest for one of our future meetings. Assistance is available if required. Please see Phil or Myself



Today’s walk commenced from the Hare and Hounds pub, Liverpool Road North, Maghull. There were meant to be 2 walks as advertised. A short 5 miles walk (a circuit of Lunt Meadows) led by Margaret Schumacher and the longer 8 miles walk led by Alan Carr. Unfortunately Alan was unavailable and asked me to lead the walk for him. Unfortunately, no one turned up for the short walk. So Margaret joined forces with us, making 9 walkers in total. The weather was mild but overcast, fortunately it did not rain.

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Parish notices – 05/09/17

Gardening group have places  on the Plas Newydd trip on 13th Sept.NT members £13, non-NT £20.

Local history talk on 5th Sept on Royal Iris and Royal Daffodill

Walking group on 7th Sept,meeting 9.50 at Hare and Hounds to leave at 10am. 2 walks- one of 5 miles and one of 8 miles- good paths and no sties but suitable footware essential.

Bird watching- inaugural meeting has moved from 12th to 19th Sept.

One place on canal walk on 28th Sept- see Brenda.

Architecture for fun- Whalley Abbey/Browsholme Hall, Thursday 14th Sept 3″5 per member. Powis Castle,Weshpool Thurs 17th Oct,NT members £17 and nonNT £28

Possible 3 new activities- short term- see ‘new groups‘ post

Also message that we will still be at St George’s on 12th Sept and hopeful back at Baptist church on 19th,