Parish notices – 24/10/17

Maths 4 fun – Nov 1. short cuts in everyday life

Strictly  Nov 30th – Tea Dance @ Town Hall

Archaeology – 2nd Friday, 2.30 at Kensington House

Christmas social – Dec 1 RB Legion see Jane Jones

Eastbourne holiday – meeting today at 11.30

Digital cameras – Nov 14th  ‘display day’

Family history – Aviva community fund, Lydiate Abbey

Don’t forget clocks go back this weekend.

Parish notices – 17/10/17

Day trip on Wednesday 18th 9.15 am departure

Theatre- a reminder that as we will have a Christmas break from 12th Dec to 9th Jan people must book and pay for their various concert tickets. There are also still tickets for Giselle available.

Walking netball starts this Friday- make contact with Brenda for more info.

Philosophy 18th Oct 2.30 at Kensington House.

Finally, congratulations to Maghull Station Volunteers as they have won the Environmental Award at the Maghull Civic Awards.

Book Club

light between oceans(1)

Our next meeting is 9th November

Book: The Light Between Oceans by M J Stedman

You can read more about this book which is the  author’s first novel and now a major film, if you click on this link link.

If you like reading and would like to join a reading group, please contact David

on 526 6001 or enquire at the Book Table at the Tuesday Coffee Morning.



Parish notices – 10/10/17

Architecture for Fun- Thur 12th oct- coach  8.45 Maghull Square- please be on time.

A4F                    Early notice-9th Nov 12.30 St Anthony’s Church,Scotland Road            Guided tour by Michael O’Neill.  Cost £4 please pay at desk.

Art Appreciation -meeting at venue Wed 11th Oct.

Archeology Fri  13th Oct,2.30 Kensington House.

Gardening trips- Christmas menu choices -slips available.

Theatre- collect tickets for Giselle and pay for War Horse.

Christmas social and Christmas lunch tickets now on sale.

Sunday Strollers-15th Oct, meet Maghull station at 10.50- bring bus pass.Local bus to Lydiate for walk in area,please wear sensible shoes.

Finally we are still on the lookout for a treasurer- if you know someone ask them- don’t assume others are doing something!

Parish notices – 03/10/17

Local History– Tue 3rd  Diane Cox  on Liverpool Women- 2pm Lydiate Village Hall.

Walking group 5th Oct- details on website. Suitable footwear essential.

Architecture for fun– only 3 seats left for Powis Castle on 12.10.17

Garden vist on 4th Oct,leave Maghull Square at 8.45 prompt

Theatre– War horse -last day for tickets and booking. Christmas and New year concerts- please pay a.s.a.p. Tickets to be collected for Giselle.

Holiday to Hampshire now on sale at Jane’s desk.

U3A Christmas Lunch and evening do- tickets now on sale- see notices on website.

Check website for details or visit Group Support Table on any of the items below.

BIRD WATCHING  Group leader June Avery has arranged for the group to visit Lunt Meadows on Monday afternoon, 16th Oct at 1pm. They will meet in the car park on site.

FUN WITH FLOWERS  new 8 week course starts 9th Oct. Will be held at St James Hall.

WALKING NETBALL  Start Fri 20th Oct. W Lancs College Skem. Lifts will be available.

ZUMBA high interest two courses. The first one will start 30th Oct. If you have registered interest please check which course you are on. There is still time to register for this 6 week course

BADMINTON 1  Room for new members Wednesday 9.30St URC on Northway.

Darts New Group The ‘Coach and Horses‘  on Tuesday afternoons is the likely venue.

Maths for fun  Wed 4th Oct @ 2.30 at Kensington House. This months theme- How do the Bookies Always Win ? What are the Odds?

U3A diaries for 2018 price £2 on sale at membership desk each week.

Yet again  re parking in wrong places including disabled spaces without blue badges!