Maths 4 Fun Fun FUN

MusicModes2A big thank you to all my group who came today and worked their brains to the bone exploring the maths in music, wrestling with Pythagorean ratios, major 5ths and strange ways of counting!

Next time we will be exploring pentatonic, jazz and blues scales.

We will also discover why each instrument sounds different, with a look at overtones and resonance.

If you like the sound of this, why not come to our next meetingScales1

Wednesday 7th March  2.30  –  4.30 at Kensington House.

Lots of laughs  –  see you there. More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or

Local history group

Local history-speakers – March to August 2018

Venue:     Lydiate village hall, Lambshear lane, lydiate, L31 2LA
Time:      2pm and 4pm.
Date:      1st. Tuesday of the month. £2-00 including refreshments.

March 6th  Mr. Ken Pye  “beer, bails and boozers”
Fun stories from some of Liverpool cities most fascinatng pubs.

April 3rd   Mr. Ray Obrian – Merseyside entertainers from both sides of the river-charts the background of stars such as Ken Dodd, Arthur Askey, Leonard Rossitor and Patricia Rutledge.

Continue reading

Notices for 6th February

Collection of Children’s’ books for a school in South Africa.
George is still seeking children’s’ books – age 4 to 9 to be sent to the school to help children learn to read. Please bring any books in to coffee morning or talk to George if you have some and this isn’t possible.

Room set up and clearance Tuesday morning
Could all groups that have tables on Tuesday morning please try to clear these quickly once we finish at 11.15 to enable the set up team who have been at the hall since 8.45 a chance to clear up and go home.

Finally a heartfelt plea from Committee.
From April we will not have a Treasurer and as such we are at massive risk of closure. I can’t express strongly enough how desperate our situation is. We need a Treasurer AND a team of Treasurers’ helpers who can work together and, on a rota, help make the Treasurers’ job easier on a Tuesday morning. So please seriously think about whether you can potentially fulfil one of these roles. You would receive lots of support. Please come and chat to me, Frank, Clive or any Committee member to gain a better understanding of the roles

Notices for 30th January

Theatre Group

Nina Simone Story, Unity Theatre,  22 March,  £21,  no transport

Hard Times at the Playhouse Liverpool 29 March. Ticket only £20

Happy Days – Maxine Peake 1st June Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester,

Maths for Fun

Wed 7th February 2.30 – 4.30 @ KH – The Maths in Music

Walking group

Thursday 1st Feb walk – 2 walks near Rhewl, Ruthin,  N Wales.

Short – 5 miles,  long – 7 miles. Meet Baptist church car park 9:30 to arrange car share.

Expected muddy so spare shoes please. Lunch at the Drovers arms.

Practical Gardening

Monday 5th Feb  – 10am at Maghull Parish Hall, Damfield Lane.  Our discussions will include winter garden successes and concerns and gearing up for the gardening year ahead.  All welcome

Italian Language Course 

10 week course starting Friday 2nd Feb at Kensington House – contact George Birchall

Garden visits

Coach to Lord Martin Garden Centre -7th Feb – Maghull Square at 9.15 prompt.

Subscription renewals

We currently have reserves in our U3A funds. Our Committee have decided that for the 18/19 year the annual subscription will be reduced to £6. This is a decision for this year only and subscriptions for 19/20 will be determined towards the end of this year when they will potentially return to a higher figure.

Musical Maths Wed 7th Feb

MATHS 4 FUN     Kensington House  2.30  –  4.30

Our topic for February is The Maths in Music. MusicIntervals1

Come and find out how the same numbers work for Bach, the Beatles, Lloyd Webber and John Williams. Explore the simple patterns that make some music unforgettable. Whether or not you have any knowledge of music or maths, this entertaining stuff will help you tune in and chill out.

MusicNotes1No stress, lots of laughs.

Bring a simple calculator if you need.

All welcome. Entrance £1.50

More info from Wanda Leach

Notices for 23rd January

Theater Group
Tickets for One For The Road and Swan Lake – collect from the Theater Desk

Play-Reading and Drama Group
The Play-Reading and Drama Group is hoping to reform in February. They usually meet at 2 pm on the second Tuesday of each month (though this is open to negotiation.
If you are interested in simply play-reading for enjoyment; play-reading to be read in performance, or in acting in a short production, please ring Elsie Bickerstaff on 526 6511 or add your name and telephone number to the notice on the notice-board.
No previous experience necessary – just come along and enjoy.

Maghull Baptist Church have asked that we make sure we don’t park on the grass around the car park as it is getting damaged.

Walking group: Thursday 1st Feb walk
The group are doing 2 walks in the area of Rhewl Near Ruthin N Wales. Short walk is approx 5 miles and the long walk in approx. 7 miles. There are a few stiles and it may be muddy in parts so please dress accordingly
Lunch afterwards in the Drovers Arms Pub.

Notices for 16th January

Newsletter: Our new newsletter is available for collection today. Ensure you collect the flyer for more information on the vacant role of Treasurer which must be filled if our U3A is to continue. Contact Frank Mercer or Clive if you need further information on the role

Day trips Trips Fri.23.2.18 – please visit day trips table to collect choice of meal slip.
Theatre Group: Booking now for:
Thursday 22 March at Unity Theatre – The Nina Simone Story £23.
Thursday 29 March at the Playhouse – Hard Times by Northern Broadsides Company.
Friday 13 April at Empire Theatre – Mathew Bourne’s Cinderella.
Friday 4th May at Empire Theatre – Beautiful, the Carol King musical.
Please see theatre desk for seat and transport costs
Birdwatching: A meeting will be held today at 11.30 in the coffee room
Philosophy: Jan 17th – John Rawls, 20th C.  American Philosopher. ALL WELCOME
Parking at Maghull Baptist Church Could all members please be considerate when parking, and if using the MBC car park please stay within one parking space rather than leaving big gaps when parking. The Cricket Club car park has plenty of space which we can also use. Cars should not be parked on the roadside outside MBC – today one of our members needed to assist a lady with a pram who was having great difficulty navigating the pavement due to parked cars