‘Safer roads’ police visit

Last Tuesday Paul Mountford from Merseyside police safer roads unit plus two colleagues, attended the coffee morning and spoke about the problem of pavement parking. He reiterated that whilst in itself parking on the pavement is not illegal, if it causes an obstruction to any pedestrian then it does become illegal and  the owner of the vehicle may be liable to prosecution. He has given us cards that can be placed on a windscreen of any offending vehicle, so if you do get one, please read it carefully! Merseyside police will not hesitate to prosecute in serious circumstances.
Kathy Hall, one of his colleagues also gave information about a driving assessment that can be undertaken by anyone aged 60 and over. This assessment is free of charge and the aim is to help people stay safe on the road for longer.
Places can be booked by contacting Kathy Hall on 0151 606 2143 or via the web site freecourses@no-excuses.org.uk

Notices 10th April

Theatre Group

Tickets for Paint your Wagon are now available from the theatre desk.

Last chance to book tickets for Miss Saigon in Manchester- again enquire at the theatre desk for cost, transport etc.

Driving and Road safety plus parking

Paul Mountford, Merseyside Police road safety ( and a colleague) will be attending on Tuesday 17th to address the issue of pavement parking and safer driving.

Appeal for Volunteers
Maghull Parish Hall is now 100 years old and consequently is regularly in need of general repairs and maintenance. The current Committee and Volunteers, due to age and medical conditions, are struggling with the upkeep of the building and there are not enough funds to employ tradesman. They are appealing for more able bodied people with suitable skills and/or experience, from groups who regularly use the facilities , to offer some assistance.
If more help is not forthcoming  they have advised they will be forced to close the Hall.
If you can spare some time please contact Val Bridges on either 0151 526 4161 or 077611 32932

Notices 27th. March

Theatre Group

Miss Saigon trip to Manchester is Friday 11th May- tickets will cost £53 without transport and must be paid for by 10th April.

Othello at the Everyman will be on Wednesday 4th July and will cost £17.00 without transport; to be paid by 20th April.

Maths 4 Fun Wed 4th April @ 2.30

KENSINGTON HOUSE   2.30  –  4.30  



So why is 60 so important?

What do these symbols mean?

Why is   11   x   11   =   1001  ?

Come and find out at our meeting on April 4th. Lots of laughs, no stress. Entrance £1.50 More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or wleach099@gmail.com