Maths 4 Fun

Maths in Art and Architecture

We had a lovely relaxing afternoon exploring the maths in arches, Celtic knots and Moorish tile design.

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We will now have a break for the summer and we will meet again on Wednesday 5th September when we will continue to explore the many links between maths and art. Lots more drawing with pencil, compass and ruler!

More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or


Notices – 5 June 2018

Theatre Group

Names for the trip to the Royal Albert Hall, December 4-6th are now being taken. . Please see the theatre desk for further details including single room charge.

The bus for the ballet at the Lowry theatre this coming Friday will leave Maghull Square at 5.45.

Maths for Fun

A reminder that the next meeting will be this Wednesday, 6th June at 2.30 when we will look at maths in Art and Architecture.

Please try to bring a compass, pencil and ruler with you as there will be lots of drawing to do.

Very important notice – MBC coffee morning room set up

We come into coffee morning every Tuesday to this room set up and ready for us all to use. However, we have been struggling lately to get sufficient members to volunteer to set up the tables and chairs prior to our coffee morning starting. Last week we had only two people setting up which would have been pretty pressurised and physical as when we all arrived everything was ready for us to use. Clearly that’s unfair and can’t continue.

Our Tuesday mornings can only function effectively if all the tables and chairs are set up in their correct positions prior to the group leaders arriving.

Can you please consider if you have some time from about 9.00am to assist the “setting up team” in their “voluntary capacity” to provide an adequate layout for the coffee morning to run smoothly and if possible to help clear away afterwards.

Please see George Birchall or me if you can spare 30 minutes from 9.00am on Tuesdays to carry out this very important exercise

Walking group out this Thursday.

Long walk 9.5 miles meet at Maghull station to catch the 9:31 train to Moorfields and onward to Chester. Bring a packed lunch.

Short walk: 4 miles; Meet at sefton lane bus stop to catch the  9:25 bus for Lady Green Garden centre at 10:15 if going by car . Lunch at a local pub. 


Digital camera group

Our last meeting before the Summer break is on Monday 4th June where the subject will be “buildings”
We resume on 3rd September with the following schedule:
Sep  3  – At the beach
Sep 17 – Ships, planes and trains
Oct 01 – Glass
Oct 15 – Interiors
Oct 29 – Pastries, pies and cakes
Nov 12 – People working
Nov 26 – Bling
Dec 10 – Open subject


Notices – 15th May

Wine tasting
Members who have booked for the wine tasting on 21st June 2018 please pay George Birchall on Wine Tasting desk.

George and Maureens 14 year old grandson Dylan has involved himself in “I’M BRAVING THE SHAVE” charity on behalf of Macmillan Nurses. He has always been so proud of his hair and it took great courage for him to have all his hair shaved off (before and after photographs available for viewing. If any member would like to make a donation to Dylan for this great cause , no matter how small , please see George Birchall at Architecture for Fun / Wine Tasting desk or Maureen on Art Appreciation desk.

Practical Gardening 
Our next Practical Gardening meeting is next Monday 14 May at Maghull Parish Hall Damfield Lane at 10 am. As usual we will have lots of plant and garden related discussions plus we will be planning our forthcoming guided tour of back of house at Hartleys Garden Centre and our groups’ exclusive visit to a beautiful garden in Birkdale which opens for the National Garden scheme.  All are welcome to join our Practical Gardening group

Garden Visits
Trip to Bodnant Gardens 16th May (Please note the newsletter wrongly shows the date as 18th May).  Cost to National Trust members £14, Non National Trust £24.  The coach will be leaving Maghull Square at 9am and returning at 6pm

A trip is to be arranged for 15 May. The group will visit the Old Docks and will go underground

Pamela Russells’ book  ‘The Great War Britain : Liverpool 
Pamela’s book is to be launched at Liverpool Central Library 10 May 6 to 8pm. Pamela is also doing a book signing at Waterstones in Ormskirk this Saturday from  2pm

Theatre Group
Tickets for Happy Days and Jane Eyre are now available for collection at the Theatre Desk. Following a cancellation one ticket is available for Paint Your Wagon at the Everymanfor this Friday. Normal price including transport would be £31 but is reduced to £11

Architecture for Fun
Visit to Ince Blundell Hall 14th June, bookings now being taken, only 25 places available.Members to make their own way there.
Wroxeter visit in July has been postponed for the time being, we hope to arrange a visit at a future date. A local visit will be made in July, details to be provided once places we hope to visit have given their approval.

Art Appreciation
There will be a short meeting in tea room for folk on Durham on 27 May

Practical Gardening
Our group will be visiting Hartleys Garden Centre next Monday 21 May for a guided tour of the centre, production areas etc All are welcome to join our friendly relaxed gardening group which meets on the first Monday of the month.

Sunday Strollers
The journey for a walk in Chester will start at Maghull Station – meeting at 10am. Brenda will provide further details on the website.

Anytime Fitness Maghull Square
Free passes to this new gym are available. People could either go as a group visit or individually for a tour and to see what is on offer. Please contact Brenda on Group Support for more information


Notices – 8th May

Wine tasting

Members who have booked for the wine tasting on 21st June 2018 please pay George Birchall on Wine Tasting desk.

George and Maureens 14 year old grandson Dylan has involved himself in “I’M BRAVING THE SHAVE” charity on behalf of Macmillan Nurses. He has always been so proud of his hair and it took great courage for him to have all his hair shaved off (before and after photographs available for viewing. If any member would like to make a donation to Dylan for this great cause , no matter how small , please see George Birchall at Architecture for Fun / Wine Tasting desk or Maureen on Art Appreciation desk.

Practical Gardening

Our next Practical Gardening meeting is next Monday 14 May at Maghull Parish Hall Damfield Lane at 10 am. As usual we will have lots of plant and garden related discussions plus we will be planning our forthcoming guided tour of back of house at Hartleys Garden Centre and our groups’ exclusive visit to a beautiful garden in Birkdale which opens for the National Garden scheme.  All are welcome to join our Practical Gardening group

Garden Visits

Trip to Bodnant Gardens 16th May (Please note the newsletter wrongly shows the date as 18th May) Cost to National Trust members £14, Non National Trust £24.  The coach will be leaving Maghull Square at 9am and returning at 6pm


A trip is to be arranged for 15 May. The group will visit the Old Docks and will go underground

Pamela Russells book  ‘The Great War Britian : Liverpool 

Pamela’s book is to be launched at Liverpool Central Library 10 May 6 to 8pm. Pamela is also doing a book signing at Waterstones in Ormskirk this Saturday from  2pm

Practical gardening

We started our April meeting discussing offers to the group from Hartleys Garden Centre where the owner has agreed to take us on a guided tour. In addition our group are to have an exclusive guided visit to a beautiful garden in Birkdale which opens in Summer under the National Garden Scheme. This garden is described as ‘a walled garden surrounding a Victorian house with formal and informal planting mainly cottage garden style, accessed by bark and gravel paths.’  It is gorgeous.

Continue reading

Notices – 1st May

Walking group  The walking group are out this week on Thursday 3rd May. Please meet at the Baptist church car park at 9;30 to arrange car share. One walk of approx. 9 miles. Lunch at the end of the walk. Please reimburse the drivers with share of  fuel costs and bridge tolls. Appropriate footwear please as route may be muddy.

Theatre Group  Final call for Jane Eyre Ballet at the Lowry theatre Manchester on 6th June. Please see theatre desk for details. Also if you would be interested in seeing a Christmas show at the Royal Albert Hall on 4th or 14th December please register your interest at the Desk.  Please collect theatre tickets for Beautiful and Paint your Wagon.

Maths 4 Fun  Meet this Wednesday, May 2nd, 2.30 at Kensington House  –  Bring a simple calculator if you wish.

Architecture for Fun  Visit to “West Ribblesden Hall” on 10th May.  Places left –  see George

Notices – 24th April

Theatre Group

Tickets for Beautiful are now available at the Theatre Desk

Architecture for Fun
Trip on the 10th May 18 to East Riddlesden Hall , Keighly and Piece Hall Halifax £24 for National Trust members and £31 for non National Trust members.
The price includes return coach travel from Maghull Square , with a talk and guided tour at East Riddlesden Hall , and guided tour at Piece Hall
Lunch will be available at East Riddlesden Hall at an EXTRA COST.
The trip will be leaving Maghull Square at approx. 8.30 – 8.45am and will return to Maghull Square at approx. 6.00pm. 14 places are available, Please see George Birchall at Architecture for Fun desk.

Discussion group
Thur 26th 1.30 @ Melling Tb. Topic is Weather – science or folklore?

Lost Booklet
One of our members – Cliff Duncan – wrote a book some time ago about National
Service – the book is called ‘Serving the Nation’ Cliff advises that he loaned an A4 loose sheets copy of the book to one of our members but hasn’t had it back. If that was you could you please pass it back to Cliff or to me and Ill get it back to Cliff.