Maths 4 Fun Wed 6th March@2.30


We will be going round in circles exploring the history, the problems, the inventions and the solutions that we now take for granted when we travel far afield.

Last month we had a hilarious time looking at maths in the house and dealing with wallpaper, tiles, curtains, carpets and kitchen units.

We always have a good laugh so why not join us? Calculators welcome.

Kensington House, 2.30-4.30  Entrance £1        More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or

Thank you again – 26th February


Members of our U3A have now generously donated £616 to sponsor Maria Mullin, who will be running in the London Marathon in April to raise funds for Dementia Revolution, a joint campaign between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research to fund new medical research. This is the main charity of the London Marathon this year.

She will be running in memory of her grandad George Krzysztanowski who was an active member of our U3A for many years before he developed Alzheimers disease and died.

So far, members’ support for this very worthy cause has been fantastic, and Maria is now well on her way to reaching her pledged target of raising £2,000.

If you would like to support Dementia Revolution by sponsoring Maria, you can donate online here.

For offline donations, please see Wanda & Brian Leach at Tuesday coffee mornings.

Beware and be careful!

Here is a scam I’ve not come across before  –

I had a message on my voice mail today that said

Hello, you called my phone earlier and I’m just wondering who you are. Please call me back.

I nearly did, until I remembered that I hadn’t made any outgoing calls today. I googled the number and, guess what, it was a listed scam.

Please be aware and be careful.

19th February update – Thank you for your support

As of this morning members have donated £399 to sponsor Maria Mullin, who will be running in the London Marathon in April to raise funds for Dementia Revolution, a joint campaign between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research to fund new medical research. This is the main charity of the London Marathon this year.

She will be running in memory of her grandad George Krzysztanowski who was an active member of our U3A for many years before he died.


If you would like to support Dementia Revolution by sponsoring Maria, you can donate online here.

For offline donations please see Wanda or Brian Leach at Tuesday coffee mornings.

MATHS 4 FUN Wed 6th Feb 2.30-4.30

Maths around the House 

Come and checkout the maths you really need to get those jobs done.

We have a great time looking at the lighter side of maths. Lots of laughs and totally stress-busting. Calculators allowed.

Kensington House, Station Road

Entrance £1    All welcome                            

Remember     Measure twice,                                                          Calculate twice,   Cut once!  

More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454



Seasons greetings

Best wishes to all members for a very Happy Christmas. Hope you all enjoy the festive break and Father Christmas brings you much happiness and all you wish for.

Then into 2019 – let it be a good and happy year for all.  Coffee morning at our usual venue (Maghull Baptist Church)  resumes on Tuesday 8th January. I look forward to another great U3A year, sharing lots of fun and interesting activities together. See you then.

Much love  Dot (Brannigan)

Maths 4 Fun Christmas Games

Twelve of our group had a great time today with the maths of family games, honing our logic and spatial awareness skills ready for Christmas.

We tried Mobi, Blokus, Bedlam, Tantrix, and some old favourites like 3D noughts and crosses, Chinese Chequers and Connect 4. This is maths but not as you know it!

We will have a break in January and will meet again on Wednesday 6th February 2.30-4.30 at Kensington House. Why not come and join us?

More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or