
Our philosophy group meets on the third Wednesday of each month. We are a very friendly group, with no experts, just people who are interested in finding out what the meaning of life is all about and what great thinkers have had to say about it.  Our discussions have ranged from  Plato to the philosophy of walking and lots in between. If you feel you would like to explore Philosophy  come along and you will receive a warm welcome and no prior experience of Philosophy is needed.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 21 st  November at Kensington House from 2.30  to 4.30 where we will discuss some of the philosophy  of Education. We will also  examine some different meanings of intelligence.

Notices – 13/11/18

Line dancing
No line dancing again this week . Unfortunately Hilary is still unwell

Christmas Concert 11 December 9.45 for 10 am
Programes for the Christmas concert are available today from the book table. There is no charge. Leaving donations will be invited on the day for Woodlands Hospice.

Our Christmas break
The Christmas Concert above on 11 December will be our last ‘normal’ coffee morning. The following week some leaders will be present at MBC to collect holiday monies but our ‘usual’ tea and coffee will not be available and there will not be any announcements. Our ‘normal’ coffee morning will resume on 8th January 2019.

2019/20 membership renewals and fee
Finally, the membership team have started getting ready to carry out the membership renewals process for next year. Committee met last week and decided, given we still have reserves above the recommended 6 months running cost figure, that we would set (maintain) the membership fee at £6 for the 19/20 year. The fee will be considered again prior to 20/21 renewals – it is anticipated that it will most likely need to increase at that point.

Maths 4 Fun Wed 7th Nov @ 2.30


Come and join us as we continue to explore  strategies for making optimum decisions about every day situations.

This is maths in the real world, lots of laughs and completely stress busting.

Kensington House, Station Road,  2.30  –  4.30   Entrance £1

We will also have a go at making some useful Christmas boxes. You will need a pencil, ruler and some scissors.

More info from Wanda Leach  284 8454  or




Notices – 30/10/18

Walking group meeting in the coffee room at 11:15 to plan next years walks.

November walk will be this Thursday. 2 walks to Pennington Flash near Aspull, one of 6 miles, one of 8 miles. Mostly flat with a couple of stiles. Please meet at 9:30 at the Baptist church to organise car share. Please dress appropriately according to weather conditions. Both groups will have a meal after the walk. Pre book on the day.

Line dancing There will be no Line Dancing class this week (31st Oct) due to unforeseen circumstances

Theatre Group Tickets for Roger McGough to be collected from the desk. Please book for NewYears Eve ASAP since the team will have to pay for the show quite soon.

Architecture for Fun the tour of the Philarmonic on Thursday 8th November starts at 11am, doors will be open 1030

Family History

Friday 2nd Nov Lydiate Village Hall discussing ‘The Italian Job’ A history of a family at war from both sides . Cost £1.50 to include tea and biscuits

Garden Visits

There will be a meeting at MBC on Tuesday 6th November at 11.15 to discuss the Longleat Holiday

Garden Visits Christmas Meal

Menus are now available – please see garden table

Helping Handbags ‘ is a worldwide organisation that focusses on providing sanitary and hygiene products to homeless women.  If any ladies have a spare handbag they are prepared to donate with some ladies toiletry products in, please pass this to Mary Prendergast who will arrange for it to be supplied on. Please do not include any products that contain glass or alcohol nor any monetary gifts . (A full list of suggested suitable products which can be included is displayed on the MBC notice board)


I’m sure you will all join me in giving our very best wishes to Joan and Peter Martin for their golden wedding anniversary on 2nd November. Happy |Anniversary to you both

Notices – 2310/18

Walking Group
There will be a  group meeting on Tuesday 30th October at 11:15 in the coffee room. Next years’ walk programme will be organised at this meeting. Please can all walkers make an effort to attend and bring details of any walks you are prepared to lead.

Table games group will meet on Monday 29th as usual.

Discussion and Debating Group
After seven years, Brian Leach has decided he is no longer able to continue leading the discussion and debating group. On behalf of everyone who has been involved, sincerest thanks to Brian for all his hard work since the group started.

Helping Handbags ‘ is a worldwide organisation that focuses on providing sanitary and hygiene products to homeless women.  If any ladies have a spare handbag they are prepared to donate, with some ladies toiletry products in, please pass this to Mary Prendergast who will arrange for it to be supplied on. Please do not include any products that contain glass or alcohol, nor any monetary gifts . (A full list of suggested suitable products which can be included is displayed on the MBC notice board)

Notices – 2/10/18

Art appreciation trip Sat 6 October
Members going on this trip can take their own lunch or use the café

Painting for Pleasure
Eric and Mike, the leaders of this group, want to encourage all level of painting ability to give this group a try. The group meet every Thursday at the United Reformed Church on Northway – the entrance is in Larchwood Avenue

Plastic milk bottle tops
Linda on members desk, is collecting plastic milk bottle tops to support an organisation which aims to use these to fund buying a defibrillator for every school on Merseyside. Please collect and bring your bottle tops to coffee morning where a collection container will be available.

Active Sefton walkers catch runaway

On what promised to be an easy Sunday afternoon stroll with the Active Sefton group, around the wilds of Lydiate, nature once again taught us never to take anything for granted.  The promised sunshine, winds, showers and good company were shaken by the shouts of a ‘thrown rider’ and a runaway horse galloping towards us.  The stalwart crew faced up and shooed the animal
into an adjacent driveway, hoping for an easy capture. Sadly the driveway turned out to be several hundred meters long but luckily ended in a paddock where we managed to get the reins and calm the shaken beast down with pats and handfuls of grass.

Finally the rider caught up, dragging a damaged ankle and explained that dogs had skitted them both and she had been dumped as the horse turned over.  However, it all ended well and we resumed our stroll, finally getting back to ‘Our Lady’s after 2 hours.

A smashing afternoon and thanks to Brenda and John for organising the last Maghul AS walk of the season.

Notices – 25/09/18

Theatre group
We are once again going to the Philharmonic Hall on New Years Eve and require deposits ASAP please- this is because the desk will not open during December owing to the trip to the Royal Albert Hall, and therefore we must collect the tickets for New Year earlier than usual.
Last call for La Traviata at the Empire Theatre. Please see the desk for ticket prices etc.

Membership team
There will be a short meeting in the coffee room at 11:15 today for everyone interested in joining the membership team.Discussion Group
The meeting planned for this Thursday, 27th September, has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Woodlands Sponsored Walk on 13th October
Woodlands have asked for volunteers to act as marshals for this walk. If anyone is interested can they get in touch with Carole Riley at Woodlands on 0151 529 4143 or 07801 482157. The walk starts from Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre at 6 pm

Practical Gardening
The group will meet next on Monday 1st October, usual venue – Maghull Parish Hall, Deyes Lane Maghull at the new time of 10.15. All welcome.

TV licensing scam
A member has reported receiving an email asking him to claim a TV licence refund as he is now aged 70. If you receive a similar email please DO NOT open it as it is a scam.