MATHS 4 FUN Wed 6th Feb 2.30-4.30

Maths around the House 

Come and checkout the maths you really need to get those jobs done.

We have a great time looking at the lighter side of maths. Lots of laughs and totally stress-busting. Calculators allowed.

Kensington House, Station Road

Entrance £1    All welcome                            

Remember     Measure twice,                                                          Calculate twice,   Cut once!  

More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454



Seasons greetings

Best wishes to all members for a very Happy Christmas. Hope you all enjoy the festive break and Father Christmas brings you much happiness and all you wish for.

Then into 2019 – let it be a good and happy year for all.  Coffee morning at our usual venue (Maghull Baptist Church)  resumes on Tuesday 8th January. I look forward to another great U3A year, sharing lots of fun and interesting activities together. See you then.

Much love  Dot (Brannigan)

Maths 4 Fun Christmas Games

Twelve of our group had a great time today with the maths of family games, honing our logic and spatial awareness skills ready for Christmas.

We tried Mobi, Blokus, Bedlam, Tantrix, and some old favourites like 3D noughts and crosses, Chinese Chequers and Connect 4. This is maths but not as you know it!

We will have a break in January and will meet again on Wednesday 6th February 2.30-4.30 at Kensington House. Why not come and join us?

More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or

Notices – 27/11/18

Christmas concert – Dec 11th @ 9:45  Please make sure you get a program from the ‘book table’ at coffee morning so we can cater for everyone.

Book club – restarting the 1st Friday in January. Contact Brenda for more details.

History for fun – Starting soon. Please see Norman Stalford

Carol concert – In aid of Woodlands Hospice at the Old Roan Methodist church on Saturday 1st December.  Doors open @ 7.30 pm.

Sunday strollers @ L20

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Sunday saw us on packed train to Moorfields station. A slow meander out of town to the canal locks and footpath where we strolled to Millers Bridge and L20 restaurant.

The reception was excellent and all the staff did their best to make us most welcome. Coats taken, we were seated with drinks and presented with two and three course menus, a small but perfectly balanced choice for a cold Winters day.

With a light airy venue, plenty of room, great staff and little pressure to finish, it turned out to be a great experience at a very reasonable cost (£14.00 for 3 courses).

L20 restaurant is a credit to the college!