Notices – 18/06/19

Dance Fit Friday Afternoons

We have places available in this popular group. It takes place on a Friday afternoon 2.30 to 15.15 at Maghull Leisure Centre. If you would like to take part please come to Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or text Brenda on 07900525222.

Law for Fun

On 20th June 2019 John will talk through some of the basic components of our legal system ie sources of law, different types of court, basic criminal liability and the rules of evidence as they apply to confessions. John will also go through a high carriage miscarriage of justice case study (as suggested by a member) but will end the session on a “fun note.” Some members of the group are unable to make this session so we will advertise at Tuesday Coffee Morning. If you know of anyone that would like to attend ask them to come to Group Support table at coffee morning or text Brenda on 0790 0525222

Art Appreciation

Visit to Williamson Gallery Birkenhead on 19.6.19 – if travelling by public transport meet at Maghull Station for the 11.30 train.

Tai Chi

This is cancelled on 28 June

History for Fun

This is cancelled on 21 June as the venue is not available

Notices – 11/06/19

  • Sunday Strollers walk this Sunday 16/6. They will be catching the 9.49 train from Maghull Station (old station) to Moorfields, and then the ferry to Seacombe. There will be a choice of a 3 or 6 mile walk.
  • Garden Trip to Gardeners World this Friday 14/6. Be at Maghull Square for 7.45, coach leaving at 8.00am prompt.
  • AFF: Trip to Appleby this Thursday 13/6, 3 places still available. Weather looks like it will be poor so wear suitable clothing. Be at Maghull Square for 7.50 coach leaving prompt at 8am
  • AFF: 4th July trip to Dunham Massie and Jodrell Bank places available
  • Wine Tasting 25th June places available
  • Holiday to Belfast: meeting next week 18/6 at MBC at 11.15. If you are unable to attend ask someone to come and pick your pack up for you.
  • Age Concern: Have got a viewing of Rocketman (Story of Elton John) next Tuesday 18/6 at the Plaza in Waterloo (133 bus stops outside) doors open at 12.30. Film starts 1pm. Proceeds from ticket sales are to support the work of Age Concern Crosby

Happy Puzzlers

MATHS 4 FUN   had a record turn out for our June meeting when sixteen of us laughed and chortled our way through logic puzzles, codewords, sudoku, kakuro and pig problems. Summer hols and more puzzles now beckon.

We will have a break in July and August and meet again on Wednesday 4th September.

By popular request, the answer to the problem on the right is 38

This went viral on facebook last year and is still going round.

Note: the clocks change, the bananas change and the shapes also change. Don’t forget BODMAS.

More info from Wanda Leach

284 8454 or

Ramblers in Malham

Thursday June 6th saw us in Malham.  Road closures caused serious navigation issues and time constraints.  The weather held though,  with warm sun and light breezes. We managed to get to the pub just before a heavy shower but the sun soon returned for the drive home.  Thanks to Dave for organising a great day out.

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Made on Merseyside

Kirkby Gallery will be hosting an exhibition this year celebrating industry in the local area – the goods produced here and the people who made them, sharing the stories of businesses large and small, past and present.

If you are interested in being involved in the Made on Merseyside exhibition at Kirkby Gallery, please contact Tina Ball on 0151 443 5617 or email by Friday 31 May 2019

Family History – Open Day

Lydiate Village Centre   – Friday 7 June 2019 1.30-3.30

Rich or Poor?    Adopted?   How did they live?  Where?        When were they born?         Die?  In service?        Transported ?   Emigrated? Did they marry?   How many children?  

Soldier,  Sailor, Butcher, Candlestick maker?

Find how to answer all these questions and start YOUR Family Tree

Paperwork: births, marriage or death certificates will help you start your search.

Notices – 8/5/19

Membership renewals

Next Tuesday 14th May will be the final day for renewal of memberships. After this date it will not be possible to renew; after the 14th May members will need to rejoin and will be issued with a new number.

Practical Gardening

Next meeting is Monday 13 May at Maghull Parish Hall which will include our quarterly plant swap. All welcome

Maghull and Lydiate U3A Family History Open Day

This will take place on Friday 7th June 1.30 to 3.30pm – if you wish to start researching your family tree please bring as much information with you – names, dates, places as possible

Holiday dates

24th April 2020 Murder Mystery Break in Derbyshire

September 2020 – Somme and Passchendale Battlefields of Northern France. Please see May newsletter or Jane Jones for more information.

Archaelogy for Fun

Meet 10th May 2.30 to 4.30 Kensington House for an introduction to Archaeology and new methods plus the story of the 100 years war.

PC skills helpers for library

I am just enquiring on behalf of your local Library, here at Meadows Leisure Centre.
We are looking for some people to do 1 to 1 help sessions for members of the general public in basic computer use.
An hour or two each week would be all that’s needed. 
This would be arranged by appointment, & simply be an informal chat through whatever they need to learn to do.  How to type a word document, how to go on the internet, how to send & receive emails etc – these are common inquiries.

One of the Library Computers would be booked for each session, so the only ‘equipment’ necessary would be provided!  Sometimes we have enquiries about ‘tablets’ too,  so if anyone has a little expertise in that area also they could be useful

If there is anyone involved in the U3A, perhaps, who you think might be interested in helping local people in this way please could you let us know via the email;   or telephone 0151 288 6731
We could then arrange to meet & discuss what is involved.

Yours hopefully Michael @ Meadows Library