Notices – 12/11/19

History for fun  Friday 15th Nov.   Historical frauds and fraudsters

Garden visits holiday  check with desk for coach seat allocation

Theatre group – Nutcracker tickets to be collected from desk

Garden visits – Maghull flower club Christmas demonstration

Monday 25th Nov. See desk for limited tickets

Architecture for fun  Thursday 14th Arrive 1.45 for tour at 2 pm.

Christmas lunch.  See George if not already completed menu.

Met. cathedral – Thursday 12th Dec.   See George

Ukulele group

Ukulele for Beginners.

After the preliminary meeting on Monday 4th November, it was agreed that the ukulele group would meet weekly at The Kensington House Social Club, Station Road, Maghull. The meeting will be from 13:00 to 15:00 pm. So far we are 14 strong, and that is about the right number for a beginners group, so unfortunately we are full for now. However if there are at least 10 more people who want to start ukulele, then a second beginners group could be formed. This would be on a Wednesday afternoon, venue to be finalized, at about the same time. Anyone who showed an interest previously  and didn’t make the opening meet at St Andrews Church hall, should contact the leader, Mike, in the next two weeks, to register further interest in a Wednesday group.

Contact Mike on 07786381961, or email

Maths 4 Fun

Due to unforeseen circumstances our next meetings in November and December are cancelled We would not have had a meeting in January as the first Wednesday will be on New Year’s Day so our next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th February.

Notices – 29/10/19

Architecture for Fun

  • Christmas Lunch is now fully booked. Please let George have your menu choice if you haven’t already done so. A reserve list is in operation.
  • Tour of Aintree Race Course

Fully booked. A reserve list is in operation.


  • One seat is available  for Miracle on 34th Street
  • A few seats are available for New Years Eve at the Philarmonic
  • Please see Theatre desk for more info

Garden Group

Holiday to Harrogate and the Christmas markets
Meeting in coffee room 5 November at 11.15

Maths 4 Fun Wed 2nd Oct @ 2.30

Maths and Art    –   the hidden links

Come and find out how artists throughout the centuries from Michelangelo to Picasso have used the rules of Maths to produce their greatest works.

We will be looking at the Golden Mean, Fibonacci spirals and the rules of perspective, so you will need a pencil, ruler and rubber.

Venue  Kensington House, Station Road.     Entrance £1     All welcome for an enjoyable afternoon.   More info from Wanda Leach   284 8454   or

Notices – 24/09/19


Our textile group provided a wonderful display of their varied and colourful work at coffee morning. All pieces were beautifully made and all members present were very impressed and enjoyed the display. Well done to all in the group – your work is absolutely lovely

History for Fun

Please note that the next meeting is on 18th October- the date in the newsletter is not correct.

Plaza cinema

Age Concern were showing Mrs Lowry an Son that afternoon at the PLAza in Crosby. Entrance fee was £1

Christmas 2019

A reminder that we looking for a volunteer or volunteers to organise this years’ carol concert after David Kearney very kindly led on our very enjoyable morning last year. If you are willing to take this forward or help, working with others, can you let myself or another Committee member know by 30th September – we can share with you what has happened previously which should be helpful. We are hoping a concert can be held on Tuesday 10th December which will be our final meeting of 2019.


Notices – 17/09/19

Art Appreciation

Planned event Tuesday 27th September has been cancelled.

Law for Fun

Please note that the meeting due to be held on Thursday 18 September has been cancelled as a large proportion of the group aren’t able to attend.

Christmas 2019

At our Committee meeting last week we discussed whether a carol concert would be held this year. Last year David Kearney very kindly led on this and we all enjoyed a very successful and happy morning. No one on Committee has the capacity to organise a concert this year and we are again seeking a volunteer or volunteers to lead on arranging a concert. If you are willing to take this forward, working with other volunteers, can you let myself or another Committee member know by 30th September – I can share with any volunteer(s) what has happened previously which I’m sure will be very helpful. If no volunteer/s are forthcoming, a coffee and mince pie event would be held on Tuesday 10th December which will be final meeting of 2019.


Tickets for Les Miserables are ready for collection at the Theatre desk. There is one ticket available – please ask for details at the desk.