Technology and Science

Technology and Science group starts its new season on Wednesday Sep.11, Kensington House @ 2.30 pm.  All are welcome.  

Sep. 11    Frederick William Herschel   from                             telescopes to infra red   with Phil

Sep  25   The history of sound recording by Colin

If you have a topic to present or an idea for one please let us know or you will only get stuff that we like 🙂

Ramblers around Turton tower

Our latest ramble was in the Bolton area, starting and finishing at the Black Bull pub in Edgworth.  A short 45 minute drive saw us in the car park and ready to roll by 10.40 with blue sky and sunshine.  A quick call into the local bowling club facility and then we were underway for a 7 mile jaunt.  Parks, woods, rivers and some great scenery made it a good day out. The weather tried to spoil it but we were back to the pub for a late lunch by 2 pm just in time to watch the rain.  Well done to Ann and Peter for a great day.

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Notices – 30/07/19

Ramblers –Thursday 1st August – 7 mile ramble from Edgeworth to Jumbles, part of the Witton Weavers Way. Terrain mostly undulating, some climbing and a few stiles. 

As usual please dress appropriately for the terrain. Lunch in the pub at the end of the ramble. Meet in the Baptist church car park to leave at 9:45.

Dance Fit – There will be no Friday sessions until 6th September due to lack of numbers. We need 14 members to attend for the class to continue. If you belong to Friday group you can join Monday morning group until the Friday group resumes, starting next Monday.

Coffee Morning – There will be No coffee morning held on 20th and 27th August. MBC will be open for anyone wishing to collect or pay in money. There will be no refreshments available. During the holiday period not all group desks at the coffee morning will be manned every week due to leaders being on holiday

Shrewsbury Flower Show 9th August – There are still a few places available on this Gardening Trip price £35. This show is one of the country’s Premier Flower Show events attracting top exhibitors from all over the country.

Architecture For Fun – Georgian walk Liverpool 8th August there are 10 places left on the 2.30 slot. All other slots are full. Come to Group Support desk if you are interested

Architecture For Fun – Towneley HallBurnley. Wednesday 11th September. This is a guided tour of the hall, gardens and much more. This is a new trip so places will go fast-come to Group Support desk to book on.


History for fun

This month (July) we had a talk on British Eccentrics.Some were mad, and some were  bad, and some were mad and bad. But all were extremely wealthy at the beginning.

Our next meeting will be at 2.30pm 16th of August at Kensington house .the subject will be Winston Churchill.

All welcome

Norman Stalford (Group Leader)


Notices – 23/07/19

Coffee Morning– There will be No coffee morning held on 20th and 27th August. MBC will be open for anyone wishing to collect or pay in money. There will be no refreshments available. During the holiday period not all group desks at the coffee morning will be manned every week due to leaders being on holiday

Shrewsbury Flower Show 9th August – There are still a few places available on this Gardening Trip price £35. This show is one of the country’s Premier Flower Show events attracting top exhibitors from all over the country.

Threatre Group- There is just one ticket available for Les Miserable Empire Threatre Thursday 17th October. – Ticket £56. Group will travel together on the train.

Architecture For Fun – Georgian walk Liverpool 8th August there are 10 places left on the 2.30 slot. All other slots are full.

Architecture For Fun – Towneley Hall Burnley. Wednesday 11th September- This is a guided tour of the hall, gardens and much more. This is a new trip so places will go fast-see George or John to book

Art Appreciation Trip Sunday 28th July – Please be at coach in Maghull Square 8.45. The coach will be leaving at 9am prompt.

Notices – 16/07/19

Advanced Notice- There will be no Coffee Morning held on the 20th or 27th August.  MBC will be open for anyone wishing to pay in money. There will be no refreshments.

30/7 – Volunteers needed to help with set up. Arrive 8.45 see George to put you name down

8/8/19 – 12 places left for Georgian walk 2.30 slot

17/10/19- one ticket left for Les Miserable Empire Theatre price £56.00

18th July – This Thursday Law for Fun 2-4 Lydiate Village Hall, Lambshear Lane. £1.50 includes Tea/coffee and biscuits. This session will cover law relating to Undercover Policing

19th July – History for fun meet at Kensington house @ 2.30

21st July Sunday Strollers. Meet at Maghull Station (old station) in time to catch the 9.49 train to Sandhills where we will catch the Southport train. We will walk from Hall Road to Hightown and have lunch at the Pinewoods Pub.

nb.  If you are going on a trip please bring your membership card with you and make sure the next of kin details are filled out on the back of the card.

Notices – 09/07/19


Final call for Griff Rhys-Jones at the Everyman Theatre on September 14th, £29.00.

Also “Gypsy” the musical, on January 17th at the Manchester Royal Exchange, £49 including transport.

Walking groups:

Easy Walkers:

Walk to Clieves Hill: catch 300 bus at 9:40 from meadows or 9:45 from Square. If travelling by car meet at Ship Inn Haskayne at 10:05 Flat walk approx. 4 miles.


Hike at Dove Stone, Saddleworth Moor. 7-9 miles across rugged terrain. Exact walk will be decided on day depending on weather conditions. Meet at Baptist Church car park to leave at 9:45. Bring a packed lunch…drink only at pub at end of walk.

Garden visits

Garden visit tomorrow will be leaving the square at 8.45 prompt

Treasury team

To enable the Treasury team to cash up, balance and leave at 11.30, can all money collected be passed to the team by 10.50. If this causes a difficulty, by prior arrangement the team will collect money from the leader at their table. Please arrange this with Stuart and the team as needed.

Gwyneth Smith was 90 very recently and members passed on their good wishes to her together with the gift of a lovely orchid

Notices – 03/07/19

TV Licensing scam – click for web site link

Phil D reported there is a current scam where people are being advised by email that they haven’t paid their TV license. DO NOT OPEN any such emails as this is a scam

Station Volunteers coffee morning for Woodlands Saturday 6th July

Some of our members are involved in this which is to take place on Saturday morning. This is a lovely way to start your day whilst also supporting a fabulous cause. Please go along is you are able

Dance Fit

Active Sefton provide support for Dance Fit classes at the Town Hall on Mondays and Fridays which a number of our members attend. It’s a great fun way to increase your fitness. The Friday sessions are low in numbers and Active Sefton are indicating it will close if numbers don’t increase. Can I ask that any members who are interested have a go to enable Active Sefton to continue supporting this great class – just turn up at the Town Hall for the 2.30 to 3.15pm class

Architecture for Fun

6 places available for Dunham Massie, this Thursday 4th July

See George or John on Architecture for Fun desk. Coach leaves Maghull Square at 8.30 am prompt , please arrive 8.15/8.20

Georgian Liverpool and much more, Thursday 8th August

10 places available for 10.30am walk , 7 places available for 12.30 walk 2.30 walk may be available if sufficient numbers book.

Garden visits

Wed 10th  July Dingle Gardens . Coach will leave Maghull square at 8.45 am
See George or John on Architecture for Fun desk

Real Ale group – June

A return to Chester on another sunny afternoon.  Lunch in Wetherspoons ‘Bull and Stirrup’ before trying 2 Sam Smiths pubs, The Old Boot and The Falcon.  Nice clean and traditional bars with a great pint of bitter for £2.  Finally The Cellar, a more modern but still ‘real ale’ option. A great afternoon and home by 6.

Real ale group – May

After a quick lunch in Blacklers  ‘Wetherspoons’ we headed for the Pen Factory. It has  a nice airy space inside with a brick building surrounded courtyard outside, which, in bright sunshine was perfect for our group. Then on to The Grapes and finally The Dispensary.  Another really easy afternoon and home by 6.

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