Technology and science

Hi guys.  Hope your all coping with the restrictions.
Could be a long haul so we will be trying to help you along.

Below is a link to the document that caused such a stir in governments, here and in the US, that caused the restrictions we are facing to be implemented.

Only time will tell if it works.

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Antivirus – Group news

Computer Group

If any members need advice about their smartphones, tablets or computers while the U3A is closed, the Computer Group members are still available. Our phone numbers are on the website, in the Year Book and the newsletter.

Once you contact us we can set up a chat either by Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp.  Please inform your members of this service please

Welsh Group

The Welsh group have a daily how are you conversation in Welsh. We try and describe how we are passing each day giving the true beginners a chance to go away and translate the longer chats.

For those without internet access a quick call now and again keeps us all in touch.  Could other language groups use this idea or something similar?

Table Games

Bridge If you fancy a game of Bridge between members why not try BridgeBase Online.

It’s FREE to join and play. You can play practice hands or against real people from around the world.

More interestingly WE could play in groups of 4 by invite to our own tables.

If your interested call or email Phil and leave your BridgeBase login name so we can organise times and invites to tables.

Recorder Group

Leader emails out the set practice list each Tuesday when we would normally be in the sanctuary.  Reminding members which tunes to play on Tuesdays 10.45-11.30

Also sending new music and expecting them to be more perfect when we return ha ha

Practical Gardening

This group have set up a whats app group and sharing pictures of plants in their garden.  Leader is able to answer gardening questions

Canal Walking Group:

We should have been on our latest walk today. I have used the information I have about the walk to create a “ virtual walk”and will be sending it out to the group later. Your idea of reliving the Leeds Liverpool canal walk is excellent so I will send an old report of a leg of the walk each week and the group can comment in their memories of that walk.

Sunday Strollers

We have had to postpone a visit to Sefton Park so 15 questions about the Park have been devised.  A question is sent out through whats app each day and the answer is posted the following day.  A bonus is that through Facebook the group have been in contact with a lady who walks through the Park daily and takes photos.  She has agreed that we use her photos.  So a photo is added to question each day.

This quiz could be used by other groups as a bit of fun. Get in touch will me if you are interested

Walking Netball

Whats App group used to send quiz questions on rules which should help new members

Art Appreciation – Quiz started last week

Cycle Groups

Members going on solo rides and sharing information re Whats App Group

Table Tennis

Have their our own WhatsApp group which is very handy for passing on information to each other.  is VERY easy to set up….

Hope this helps, keep safe, hugs to you all

Table games group

If you fancy a game of Bridge between members why not try BridgeBase Online.

It’s FREE to join and play. You can play practise hands or against real people from around the world.

More interestingly WE could play in groups of 4 by invite to our own tables.

If your interested call or email Phil and leave your BridgeBase login name so we can organise times and invites to tables.

Computer Group offers help

If any members need advice about their smartphones, tablets or computers while the U3A is closed, the Computer Group members are still available. A phone number is on the website, in the Year Book and the newsletter. Once you contact us we can set up a chat either by Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp.

Snippets of information

Hi guys.  Just a few snippets of news to help us while restricted 🙂

+  Corona virus in 1960s:
+ The devil makes work for idle hands – Beware of scams and dodgy emails. This website is currently getting 100+ ‘spam’ emails daily. Keep your security high. If your unsure how ask the Computer/IT help group!
+ Our ‘computer group’ members are offering  IT assistance. Call Rhoda for info
+ Lunt Meadows was a nice walk in the sun Monday 23rd. Easy parking and few people
+ Had a nice walk round Greenbank park on Thursday.  Lunch in Watering Can cafe
+ BBC has some relaxing sounds here. You will need to login
+ Chris Chua has a list of Crosby shops providing home delivery here
+ Some residents are using Whatsapp to communicate and help their neighbours.
+ Sunday Strollers have a ‘daily’ quiz starting shortly. Prizewinners get to ‘lead’ a walk!
+ Possible new group – Walk a mile.  Watch this space
+ Video conferencing is being considered to keep our U3A going.
+ BBC having a go –
+ Mortons dairy offer home delivery.  See their web site.

If you have any thoughts to share then please email

Finally, another government link to help us through this here