Happy New Year to everyone. Are you ready for another round of
Technology and Science presentations ?
Jan 08th – Body imaging with Phil
Jan 22nd – Lighthouses with Colin
Kensignton House, 2.30 pm. All members and visitors welcome.
Happy New Year to everyone. Are you ready for another round of
Technology and Science presentations ?
Jan 08th – Body imaging with Phil
Jan 22nd – Lighthouses with Colin
Kensignton House, 2.30 pm. All members and visitors welcome.
Hi and Happy Christmas wishes to you all.
I hope its a good one and brings you much peace and happiness. Then as we move into 2020 I hope the year ahead is kind to you.
As I hope you know, I believe our members make U3A an amazing organisation in which we have fun whilst learning, playing and keeping fitter. But more than that, our member to member support, which we see time and time again, is truly inspiring and genuinely gladdens my little heart. I felt this support personally this year – thank you all sincerely. To all going through difficult times at the moment – I hope you know that lots of members are thinking about you and wishing things could be better for you.
We restart with coffee morning on Tuesday 7Th January and can look forward to another great year together. We look forward to seeing many of you then and throughout the year.
Thank you and Happy Christmas
Dot and all Committee
Sadly, all the Ukulele groups are suspended with immediate effect.
No further sessions will take place for the moment.
Tickets are now available from the theatre desk for the following shows; Miracle on 34th Street, New Year’s Eve at the Philharmonic Hall, and also Gypsy at the Royal Exchange.
Please note that if you want to see Curtains with Jason Manford on January 30th, the tickets must be paid for this morning.
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances both groups have been had to be cancelled with immediate effect. It is intended that a meeting will take place in the New Year to see if we can move forward
Ramblers and Easy Walkers 5th December
Both groups are out for a shortened Christmas walk. Meet at Maghull Station to catch 9.45 train to Central then onwards to St Michaels. 4 mile walk around Sefton Park then on to Lark Lane for a meal. Regret only those people who have notified the coordinator can walk due to space restrictions in the Restaurant.
Ramblers will also have a walk on 2nd Jan. Details will be posted on our internet site after Christmas Easy walkers resume in February
Gardening trips Christmas Meal 11 December
Meet at 9.30 at the Square to board the coach.
Garden visits – Last chance to buy Maghull Flower Club Christmas Demo
– Christmas meal
Art Appreciation – Last day for payment, ‘ladies wardrobe’ @ Walker
Architecture for fun – Aintree visit 21/11. Meet 1.45 @ P R stand
Law for fun -Thursday 21/11 2-4
Digital Camera Group : St. Andrews Room 2 – 4 pm
06 Jan Christmas 30 Mar Confection
13 Jan Food 20 Apr Birds and animals
01 Feb People 04 May Landscape
17 Feb Transport 18 May Winter
02 Mar Closeup 01 Jun Nature
16 Mar B+W
Summer Break
Continue reading
History for fun Friday 15th Nov. Historical frauds and fraudsters
Garden visits holiday check with desk for coach seat allocation
Theatre group – Nutcracker tickets to be collected from desk
Garden visits – Maghull flower club Christmas demonstration
Monday 25th Nov. See desk for limited tickets
Architecture for fun Thursday 14th Arrive 1.45 for tour at 2 pm.
Christmas lunch. See George if not already completed menu.
Met. cathedral – Thursday 12th Dec. See George
Ukulele for Beginners.
After the preliminary meeting on Monday 4th November, it was agreed that the ukulele group would meet weekly at The Kensington House Social Club, Station Road, Maghull. The meeting will be from 13:00 to 15:00 pm. So far we are 14 strong, and that is about the right number for a beginners group, so unfortunately we are full for now. However if there are at least 10 more people who want to start ukulele, then a second beginners group could be formed. This would be on a Wednesday afternoon, venue to be finalized, at about the same time. Anyone who showed an interest previously and didn’t make the opening meet at St Andrews Church hall, should contact the leader, Mike, in the next two weeks, to register further interest in a Wednesday group.
Contact Mike on 07786381961, or email mnewton9@yahoo.com
Due to unforeseen circumstances our next meetings in November and December are cancelled We would not have had a meeting in January as the first Wednesday will be on New Year’s Day so our next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th February.
Architecture for Fun
Fully booked. A reserve list is in operation.
Garden Group
Holiday to Harrogate and the Christmas markets
Meeting in coffee room 5 November at 11.15