U3A – ZOOM meetings

Our U3A is currently trialing the Zoom ‘video conferencing’ application.

Zoom can be used on most electronic systems from mobile phones to tablets. For the best view the bigger the screen the better.  Below you will find la link to ‘Help’ pages that describe the installation, testing and use of the software that will enable you to join in meetings.

You will need to ‘register’ with a User name or email address AND a Password !

Getting started

Help is available from the Computer group members. Please note that different devices will display different ‘screen layouts’ so be very clear about what device you are using when asking for help.

Digital cameras – Update

We have been asked if any Maghull and Lydiate  U3A members can enter the Digital Camera Groups’  bi monthly competitions.  The group leaders have agreed to have open entry,  while we are virus bound, so you are invited to enter.  There are no prizes on offer, just the glory and a possible viewing at our yearly exposition 🙂

The conditions are stated below:

  • Open to ALL  members.
  • Maximum  of 3 entries per person please.
  • File format to be JPEG with a maximum size of 1 MB
  • email to terry_u3a@tiscali.co.uk
  • Entries no later than 3 days before the subject date
  • The subjects and dates are listed below.

18 May  Patterns and shapes   01 Jun  Nature

22 Jun  Plants and Flowers      13 Jul   Pen, Pencils, Brushes

Aug 03 Books                            24 Aug  Open Subject

September 7th  back to the LIST and hopefully the Club. Stay safe


Law for fun

Dear Law for Fun members (and non group members who may be interested).

In these troubled times many of us have holidays and such like booked which we cannot take because of COVID.

Those of you who attended my session on contract will recall that I covered frustrated contracts. These are prime examples of frustrated contracts ( ie they cannot be performed for reasons beyond the control of each party). In such circumstances, subject to the deduction of reasonable expenses and payments, (the consideration) should be refunded.

Further indemnity can be found in section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 ( if you paid by credit card; you should always pay by credit card).

What do you do if the deposit has been paid and the full payment is due?

Continue reading

AGM 2020 – Notification of Adjournment

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 13th Annual General Meeting of Maghull and
Lydiate University of the Third Age which was due to be held at Maghull
Baptist Church, Hall Lane, Maghull, Liverpool, L31 3EJ on Tuesday 16th June,
2020 will now be postponed. This is due to the Governments current
lockdown and social distancing requirements, resulting from the Coronavirus
(Covid-19) pandemic.

The full text is here

Quiz night – 8th May 2020

Click on the image for a printable page —>

Answers are here.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you want to compare your answers and use WhatsApp then join the U3A quiz night group by contacting Brenda.

Q+As  can also be emailed. Contact Phil to be included.

If you want to submit one then 20-30 questions on separate PDF sheets to me please.

Table games group

Just played my second tournament on Bridge Base Online. Was partnered with a ‘beginner’ called David. It turned out to be quite a good afternoon with an excellent result. I am not a great player, so matched with a beginner,  we should have struggled. But in fact we came 10th from 40 tables overall, then i found my partner was 12 🙂

So, if you fancy some Bridge why not log in to BBO?  Its FREE and easy to work. You can play singly, 24 hours a day, arrange tables for friends to meet and stay as long as you like.

If you need help or a game call me.  Stay safe – Phil

U3A – Friends against scams

Central U3A are delighted to offer a brand new series of free learning sessions on a variety of topics in association with experts from NatWest.

Sessions will be held by region, using video conferencing and we are asking you to register your interest by region. We will then send you the joining details for a session in your region. We are limited by the number of people who can join each one and so if the session is full up we will hold additional sessions in the following weeks to ensure that everybody is able to take part.

Region : North West
Date  :13th May
Time : 10:30 – 11:30am 

Register here 

Law for fun – news

Dear Law for Fun group member ( and for others who may be interested (particularly the philosophy group)).   Earlier this year I went through the process of assessing damages for tortious liability in cases involving a fatality ( multiplicands and multipliers, remember)

Here is a Radio 4 program which explores the issues involved. It focuses on the USA but is nonetheless relevant. It is called “The Price of Life”.

This program may also be of interest to members of the Philosophy Group who I was due to speak to prior to the lockdown on the issue of Sanctity of Life.

Hopefully we can revisit these issues after the lockdown whenever that may be!

Stay safe all! – John Dilworth