U3A – Winter Learning Program


All initiatives are available at: https://www.u3a.org.uk/learning/national-programmes. Initiatives are intentionally released on a stagger to keep people’s interest and participation over the winter. Events which require members to book are at: https://www.u3a.org.uk/events/educational-events. The website will be updated regularly so members should be encouraged to keep checking these pages.

Click here to see the full document


Table games

The latest Covid restrictions make it it seem unlikely that the Table Games groups activities will resume before the New Year. It really could be a miserable last 3 months of 2020.

With this in mind we have decided to offer an ‘on-line’ Bridge session. This would be organised using BBO at a time to suit folk.  BBO is ‘free’ to sign up and our games would be members only.


If you are interested then please contact Cath or Phil.


Digital camera group

In the short to medium term it looks like our activities will be restricted to the bi weekly photo displays.  After Terry asked for feedback on the groups current activities it seems we have a few of issues that need to be addressed.  Basically, these are:

  • members want to continue with the group
  • members want to continue our current 2 weekly displays
  • some tech help needed with ‘uploading images’

The future subjects and dates are:

21 Sep    night shots  Some tips here
05 Oct     the town      19 Oct     gardening
02 Nov    industrial     16 Nov    shapes       30 Nov    churches/cathedrals
14 Dec    Open subject

The rules are very straightforward:  A maximum of 3 NEW pictures submitted to Terry a couple of days before the due date. It is helpful if the image size is reduced to 500 Kb !

As before, the collected images will be published on the web site but will also be  ‘vetted’ and the ‘best’ 3 will be notated accordingly.  No prizes but ‘bragging rights’

If anyone wants help with uploading images or any technical help with IT or photography then please contact Phil or any of the DigiCam or IT teams.

If you have a general query, that maybe of group interest, use the ‘reply’ function.

Some great help files here

Day riders

Last Monday 8 riders from M&L and O&A U3A’s set off from The Derby Arms to ride a circular route to Southport.  For some strange reason weather-wise Monday frequently tends to be the best day of the week and today was no exception.  In bright sunshine we cycled through Maghull, into Lunt and through to Crosby where we weaved our way through the Bank Holiday crowds.  Through Ainsdale and Freshfield we rode as the day grew warmer.  Our brew stop was at Wetherspoons where the half price offer and free refills proved a bargain.  From Southport we went our separate ways to complete this 42 mile ride.


August 24th    A coastal canter


For today’s ride, 12 Day Riders (14 actually as 2 just missed the start) from M&L and O&A U3A’s met to ride the Coastal Route to Banks and then inland to Croston.  It was good to welcome Ralph back into the fold following his summer training with  Phil’s crew. We set off in glorious weather and picked up a nice tail wind as we made our way through Ainsdale.  An added bonus was the current closure of part of the Coast Road to motor traffic.  This gave us the chance to pick up speed to Southport.  From Banks it was a sprint to our lunch stop at Sooty’s Garden Centre. Here the epicureans amongst us took full advantage of the half-price offer to carbo-load for our return journey through Croston and Ormskirk.  All returned safely from this 48 mile ride.  Next week meet at 1000hrs at The Derby Arms to ride to Ainsdale via Maghull.