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Digital cameras – Industry
With new COVID restrictions coming in this week we have decided to restart the Friday night quiz. The questions will be posted at 7.30 pm on the web site, on the WhatsApp ‘quiz’ group and by email if you register with Brenda or me before the Wednesday of each week. Answers around 8 pm
Stay safe – Phil
For those who feel the need for a challenge, free Sudoku here
The Met Office is reporting a ‘La Nina‘ event which is possibly going to effect the UK’s winter weather. See here for more.
For likely effects in the Atlantic see here
Here is a link to the latest COVID advice
from U3A – Central
Hello Dot
Here are two events that you may interest you ?
Zoom Training Wednesday 11th Nov. from 11:15am
So many of our activities are held using Zoom at the moment. If you would like to learn how to use Zoom please sign up for this informal session delivered by the regional team at ;
Shared Learning Friday 20th Nov. from 10:30am
The aim of this session is to showcase some projects, encourage questions and hopefully get more members actively involved in learning projects.
You can register here:
Best wishes -Neil Stevenson
Trustee, North West of England
Mobile: 07595 233163
All initiatives are available at: Initiatives are intentionally released on a stagger to keep people’s interest and participation over the winter. Events which require members to book are at: The website will be updated regularly so members should be encouraged to keep checking these pages.
Click here to see the full document
and the ‘winners’