Some interesting T+S snippets that may be of interest?
Transparent wood glass
Winter watch – big freeze 1963
Improved ‘mask’ after COVID
12 deadliest viruses on Earth
Some interesting T+S snippets that may be of interest?
Transparent wood glass
Winter watch – big freeze 1963
Improved ‘mask’ after COVID
12 deadliest viruses on Earth
Some interesting T+S snippets that may be of interest?
Repairing 200 Pis for charity
3D metal printing using electrochemistry
TV detector vans in England
Here you will find photographs submitted by our members during the lock-down from late January 2021. It is open to all M+L U3A members. Images MUST be recent!
Yarn bomb_Hall Lane
South Stack_PD
Hawk moth_KW
Terry has been thinking about changing the format of the groups bi-weekly ‘competition’ during our continuing confinement. We are proposing the following:
We will give it a go and see what pans out. The ‘listed’ subjects will be abandoned.
Click here to see the slideshow
Interested in the weather? I certainly was and for quite a few years wondered if a PWS (personal Weather Station) was the way to go. And then, in 2008 i took the plunge and bought my first ‘all singing’ station, a Mydel unit from China.
The supplied software was pretty basic and I happened to come across Cumulus, a fabulous coding from Steve Loft. The rest is history.
The station lives in the back garden and feeds data to my web pages and to the Met Office WOW (weather on the web). Click the links for more.
It looks like it will be some time before we can reconvene our weekly sessions at the town hall so here are some links that may be of interest.
U3A East Suffolk ‘bridge’ pages here
Subject co-ordinator Bridge links
If you fancy a game and can join Bridge Base Online BBO then call and we can schedule a table. Its FREE so come and give it a try.
Here is a link to the ‘bitesize’ newsletter
And here is the podcast link
U3A – keeping in touch on Facebook