The secret science of sewage on BBC here
Adventures with dentures here
Bee-less honey
Grenfell cladding failures#
Atomic clocks and dark matter
The secret science of sewage on BBC here
Adventures with dentures here
Bee-less honey
Grenfell cladding failures#
Atomic clocks and dark matter
Banking Scam – u3as. Please Take Immediate Action
In the last fortnight – two u3as have been scammed by phone calls purporting to be from their bank’s Fraud Department. A number of other u3as have reported similar attempted scams.
What should I do?
The first action you should take is Hang Up! Banks do not make calls of this nature.
Should I call the bank?
If you try to call your bank to check if the call was genuine the fraudsters can intercept your call and convince you to continue. If you do call your bank on a number you know to be genuine use a different phone or leave making the call for some time.
Listen to the episode now and find all our previous episodes on our YouTube channel.
Please share this episode with your members and encourage them to share their own stories with our u3a radio team by emailing
What’s in the Covid jab?
Covid – Different effects on men and women
Corona virus testing methods explained
Here is a link to the latest video newsletter from Central u3a and here is the text transcript link.
The death of Professor John Mallard has just been announced.
He was noted for his pioneering work in ‘body imaging’.
In January 2020 we presented ‘body imaging’ to the T+S group.
You can download the presentation here.
Hi guys and girls.
It looks like we are still isolated for a few more weeks so how about a ‘gee-up’ ?
Some groups have remained active with content being posted to ‘in group’ members on WhatsApp but very little ‘activity news’ has made its way to these pages.
I personally think that we have ‘missed the boat’ badly.
I believe that most of the groups could offer some input.
So, how about some content? If you want to email me for me to post that’s fine.
Remember that u3a is ‘world wide’ and folk are interested. It may well ‘lift’ them.
Stay safe and hopefully see you soon – Phil Davidson