Author Archives: philcdav
Sunday walkers – Hall Road Nov 21
On a morning that was remarkably bright and sunny for the time of the year, 21 members decamped at Hall Road station where they were joined by 4 other members and Keith – a guest labradoodle guide possessing extensive knowledge of the intended route of the day’s walk.
After completing the usual preliminaries, the group set off for the first port of call at the Key Park. Here Frank and David provided background information as to how it was that this somewhat unique resource came into being for the benefit of the local residents, and how its facilities were safeguarded from excessive use.
Digital cameras – Derelict
Monday 14th November saw ‘derelict’ as our photo topic.
Our next subject is ‘nature’ on 29th Nov.
Technology and science
Future Dates for your diary.
8th Dec. Chemistry of Christmas – Phil Davidson
Sunday walkers – Rimrose
25 walkers got the train to Seaforth and Litherland and then took part in a walk to Rimrose Valley . Again we were lucky with the weather . Bill made the walk really interesting sharing the history of the park . We stopped at 11am. along the canal to observe a 2 minute silence . Once we arrived at Waterloo station we split up to find places to eat . Thanks again Bill . Next week Cheryl and Frank are leading a walk from Hall Road details to follow later in the week.
Bowls group
Something from the archive. Thanks Norman
Sunday walkers – Moreton
20 walkers made their way to Moreton where we walked down to the front and stopped to have a coffee, tea and bacon baps at the little cafe. The wind was very strong on the front so we decided to have it behind us and walk to New Brighton instead Hoylake .
The views were spectacular along the way with waves high in places . We were treated to seeing wind surfers and swimmers braving the elements . The walk was 5 miles although with the help of the wind it felt shorter.
Some of us then went to the Sea Horse and had either Sunday roast or fish and chips. Feedback showed good value money .
Next week it’s the Rimrose Valley and will get 9.19 train from Maghull to Seaforth.
As you are probably aware we have not yet found a new Treasurer to manage the finances of our U3A and be part of the Committee. Without a Treasurer we are finding it extremely difficult to manage the financial affairs of our U3A. As we begin to reopen, the system may become unmanageable. So it is absolutely vital that we appoint the right person to this post as soon as possible.
If you have a background or experience in finance and or accounting and would like to be part of a group of Trustees that care about our U3A and would like to rise to the challenge, please, in the first instance, contact a member of Committee, in confidence, to informally express an interest and to discuss the opportunity further. This initial expression of interest to gain more information, will NOT commit you in any way.
Thank you.
Digital camera group – Still life
Future dates and topics
Nov 15th Derelict 29th Nature
Dec 13th Open subject
2022 Schedule:
The Davy Notebooks Project
Dear U3A member secretary,