The ‘canal walking’ group has decided to change its name to accommodate future outings. They will now use ‘the stramblers’ name, a mash of Sunday strollers and ramblers. Walks will usually be 6-8 miles
Author Archives: philcdav
Digital cameras – Animals
History for fun
Line dancing in Kirkby
On Saturday 14t May we did a line dancing display at Littledale Festival, Towerhill, Kirkby. This was the eleventh year of this popular festival and during the afternoon our ‘line dancers’ did the u3a proud with a set of 3 dances culminating in an easy dance lesson, as the audience joined in, which was great fun.
We ended to rapturous applause and thanks from the audience and performers.
Many thanks to all – Hilary
Digital cameras – Shadows
Sunday walkers
19 walkers and Millie enjoyed a 3.5 mile stroll from Town Green station to Maghull North Railway station . Welcome back to Tom, Sylvia and John – we have missed you. 14 of us then went on to Bernies for our breakfast .
Tech and science – May
Here are the dates for the T+S talks in May.
All u3a members welcome.
Kensington House, 2.30 pm
11th 10 most dangerous plants
25th archeological dating
AGM _2022
2022 Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 17th May at 10 am.
Maghull Baptist Church
- Agenda Updated 15 May
- Draft Minutes from 4 May 2021
- Accounts – Income Expenditure draft
- Accounts – Proforma CC16A draft
- Nominations