Friday strollers

A new walking group started on 23rd September.  We were very lucky with the weather on our first walk. The focus of the group is to help members, who have maybe not walked for a while, get back to walking.

It is very much a social walking group, so the group will take part in short, slow, local walks followed by a visit to Bernies for refreshments after is you so wish.

7 hardy walkers walked 1.5 miles in heavy rain today which was followed by a well earned cuppa at Bernies.  We will be meeting at Maghull Old Station on a Friday at 10.  If you would be interested or want to know more please ring Benda McKenzie on 07900525222 .  There will be no walk on 14th October due to  leaders being on holiday..

Digital cameras

Hi all, due to the cancellation of the meeting last Monday you may have images for that meeting so we have decided to combine the “Landscape” with the “Still Life “ subject for the meeting  on the 3rd October.

Bring your pictures on your memory stick with two separate folders (if you can)and I’ll sort them on the day.
Hope to see you at the meeting
               Pete and Terry .

Technology and science

Bob Morris gave a really interesting presentation to the group on Wednesday. Entitled ‘All you need to know about drugs – Mostly the legal ones‘ it gave an insight into pharmacy operations in simple ‘lay persons’ language.

Various topics were covered including: looking after yourself, health literacy, pharmacy speak, the British National Formulary and drug ‘side effects’.

The BNF was particularly of note as it gives anyone the opportunity to examine prescription drug data online.

The public awareness campaign – National Pharmacy week ,
‘Ask Your Pharmacist’  this year will be on 31 October – 7 November.

Well done Bob


History for fun

We reconvene for our first meeting on the 16th Sept  at 2.30pm at Kensington House
The subject will be the History of Liverpool (part 2)
Note for your Diary
On the 21st Oct we will be having a talk from that well known Liverpool Historian
Frank Carlyle. He will be talking about Liverpool People and Places
All Welcome
Regards Norman Stalford (Group Leader)

Digital cameras – Close up

Hi everyone. We had a well attended meeting on Monday nice to see things returning hopefully back to normality.

We got a large number of images submitted for the ‘Close up’ subject.  Below are the ones we considered the best.
The next subject ‘Landscape’ on Monday 19th September hope you can make it…
Bye for now – Terry

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Square dancing – Interested?

Would you like to learn to SQUARE DANCE in just 16 weeks ?

No prior experience required ! All you need are two feet and a smile.

Tuesday afternoons from 1 – 3 pm. If you have any questions contact Jane Murphy on 07904 008927

Located at Parish Hall, Damfield LaneMaghull,L31 6DB
Parking available at St Andrews Church (L31 6DD)

Starts August 2nd – Cost is £2 per session