Friday strollers – 11/11

10 walkers took part today. We were able to offer 1 and 2 mile walks.

We meet at Maghull Station and use local bus to get us to our start points.
We are hoping to be able to offer three walks in the future, 1, 2, or 3 miles. This gives walkers the option to choose the distance they want to do. We finish our walk with a coffee or breakfast at Bernies on Station road. If you would like to join us get in touch with Brenda McKenzie on 06900525222

Friday strollers

The ‘friday strollers’ group numbers continue to grow. We have agreed to use the same walk each week, which is about 1.5 miles.

We walk for about 1 hour at a slow, steady pace and then go to ‘Bernies’ for breakfast. Some folk who are unable to walk join us for a cuppa at the end of the walk.

One of our members entertained us by sharing some poetry she had written. It is very much a social occasion.

If you would like more information please call Brenda McKenzie on 07900 525222

History for Fun


Last Friday (21st Oct) History for Fun, for the first time had an external speaker, Frank Carlyle, the Liverpool historian. He fully engrossed everyone at a well attended meeting (30 plus) with his tales of Liverpool characters and Liverpool firsts, most of which none of us knew about. We hope to rebook him in 2023

Many thanks to Eric Purvis the assistant Leader who beavered away in the background to organise the event

Look forward to see you all at the next meeting – Norman