Tech and Science

Our next meeting is Wednesday 26th March at Kensington House
at 14:30 where we will be looking at the science and history of ‘graphene’.

Future topics and dates:

09 April  ‘The 1831 cooling’
23 April  Bar codes
May 14  Mustard
May 28  Luca Turin

If you have a topic to share or offer for us to present then please contact Colin or Phil

Walking for Woodlands

18 walkers from Maghull and Lydiate u3a took part in the Light up the Night event for Woodlands Hospice .  As you can see from the photos we really got into the spirit of it.  Up to now, without taking into account Gift Aid,  we have raised at least £2300.

Woodlands recently looked after Sylvia and Pauline and in the past Ian and Diana, who were all members of our u3a walking groups .

We would like to thank the people who supported us, this helped us raise such an amazing amount of money .

Woodlands have told us we have achieved the largest donation for this event .
Well done everyone.

Tech and science – Correction

We got our dates mixed up in the previous post. Hopefully this better.

A small turnout for ‘3 lines of coke’ but it seemed to be well received. Hopefully folk know a lot more about Pepsi cola, coal coke  and crystal meth 🙂

Our next topic will be the history of Thalidomide on Wed 22 Jan.

February:  12th – Kodaks first digital moments 26th – HAARP
March 12th we will be looking at ‘glass making’ with John. We are proposing a visit to the world of glass museum in St. Helens on Wednesday March 26th. We have the option for a private (FREE) visit or as a group with various add-ons for £15 per head.  Have a look at the website please, check out the group visit and let know if you’re interested.

Tech and science

A small turnout for ‘3 lines of coke’ but it seemed to be well received. Hopefully folk know a lot more about Pepsi cola, coal coke  and crystal meth 🙂

Our next topic will be the history of Thalidomide on Wed 22 Jan.

On Feb 12th we will be looking at ‘glass making’ with John. We are proposing a visit to the world of glass on Feb 26th. We have the option for a private (FREE) visit or as a group with various add-ons for £15 per head.  Have a look at the website please, check out the group visit and let know if your interested.

In March we will be looking at Kodak digital (12) and HAARP (26)

Tech and Science

In March 2018 we discussed the origins and history of the Shipping Forecast.  

The Shipping Forecast is produced by the Met Office on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. It was first broadcast on 1 January 1924 as a weather bulletin called Weather Shipping before moving to the BBC a year later.

Here is a link to the BBC special

Best wishes for the New Year from Colin and Phil

We restart on January 8th with a few lines on Coke