Rokeby Venus, by Valesques

Add on to a Van Gogh July 12th. After a lunch beak( 12.30 pm) wherever you prefer.

As we are in the vicinity. After Van Gogh we will walk to Walker Art Gallery 2pm to view Rokeby Venus in all her glory.  No tour avaliable, just a good old look at a wonderful painting.

One of many art works on loan across the country from National Gallery.

Let Jan or Me know if your joining us.  Take care


June 14th Pre Raphaelites , Birmingham

We have a few places available for this trip to Birmingham Cathedral and Art Gallery / Museum, due to cancelations.

Don’t miss this wonderful art lovers event to view the stained glass windows, the pre Raphaelite art and the stunning arts and Craft  jewelry of Georgie Gaskin.

My grannie had a broach of these,  very like this, I lost it.Arthur & Georgie Gaskin silver brooch

£45 including  coach . entry to both venues

Maghull Sq 8.00 am  home about 5.30 pm

book at  art appreciation desk Tuesdays with Maureen or Jan.