Art App – Willy home again.

We all know Willy Russell is a brilliant writer, but did you know he is an accomplished artist too?

We are going to be amongst the first to view this very talented local lads art work at Kirkby Gallery. He is returning to Knowsley, his birthplace, after the very successful exhibition of 2015. It will be viewed here before the  London showing.

MONDAY May 15th 10 am at venue,

Booking at the desk on Tuesdays.


Well! it’s ONLY 1 year in advance. Terracotta Warriors


You can be sure as soon as I have news from World Museums Liverpool re this amazing exhibition I will book a tour .

It will be one of the First tours February 2018.

Addendum… In view of it’s popularity, there will be more than one tour maybe  on different dates, this will be decided nearer the time.

Members will be given time and date  tour in order of booking. at desk.

 N.B W.M.L confirmed, there will be a fee for this exhibition                                 Watch this space!                          Maureen

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Art Appreciation to visit Mostyn Gallery, Wales

We are visiting Mostyn Gallery

Sat 29th April  coach from Mag Sq. 8.15 am. cost £14.50

To tour and view the various art works on show including  the history of gallery.

Time permitting before our departure 4.00 PM we can take a stroll along the prom,prom prom! with some Arch 4 Fun info 

Small cafe on site.

Payment  is essential upon booking at desk with Maureen or Marj on Tuesday.                     THIS TRIP IS  FULL.


Only Girls Allowed for Glitz


Sudley House.

Putting on the glitz

Friday 27th January 1 pm  for talk and Tour by Pauline.

Amazing costumes from yesteryear to put on the Glitz.

There is a lovely little cafe on site. If you wish to have a light lunch arrive around 11.45 am and let Maureen or Marj know at U3A desk on Tuesdays so we can inform the cafe staff.

No menu is available, it’s the usual array of goodies, tea, coffee, cakes, butties etc,