Secret Manchester. March 25th

Micelangelo-March 25th

Let me know if you are interested please.

Friday March 25th

trip to Secret Manchester

These times, dates below have been booked by each person individually on the Secret Manchester website under Michelangelos Sistene Chapel

Ticket price £9. 70 Concessions

coach price..about £15

depending on numbers

to be arranged separately when numbers are completed 

time slot 1pm.

More info at desk Tuesdays book it or miss it.

Quentin Blake @ Kirkby Gallery, April 4th

Monday April 4th @ Kirkby Gallery 10 30 am  / 12.30 pm.

Talk and tour by Curator Tina. Free entry. We will welcome a  donation  at desk along with booking  on  Tuesdays.

Quentin Blake is a favourite of young and old.  All our most treasured Roald Dahl stories illustrated by Quentin. Don’t miss this special exhibition.

P.S if you can not attend after booking, please let myself or Jan Martin know as it saves holding up others .


This wonderful stained glass piece, Virgin and Child, is by British stained glass artist Margaret Traherne.  1919 – 2006

Influenced by the French expressionism, it makes for a dramatic composition.

We  were  fortunate to visit Ely Cathedral last year and loved the wonderful diverse stained glass museum. Not all religious works as seen below.

The Sower by William Morris.

We hope to do a visit to Ely later  this year if allowed and safe of course.It is well worth a visit.. Take care and have a safe 2022

Maureen x