Update on Lytham trip

Hi – all those who have shown interest in this trip either by text , telephone calls  or emails can you please pay asap – by Tuesday 24th May if possible, as the Hall requires a deposit to confirm our booking. This is the only date given to us for the foreseeable future to view the ‘Shifting Sands’ art posters in the grounds. Thank you – Maureen

Lytham – August 17th

We hope to visit  the beautiful Byzantine church, Lytham Fairhaven U.R.C, in the morning.

We are to have a tour of Lytham Hall after lunch at the nice café on site  and a roam around the grounds to view the posters which are rather large and outdoors.

Shifting Sands, by Nicky Thomson, is an art trail set within the grounds of Lytham Hall. It’s a collection of 12  new works celebrating the art of the travel poster, which has strong historical links to the Fylde – the coming of the railway heralded the start of tourism for the Fylde.

Coach from Maghull Square 9.30 am.  Cost £27


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Potty in Formby not Preston

Hi all. Due to the increased coach cost for the Preston trip the venue has been changed to a local potters in Formby on Thursday July 7th.  Meet 11a.m at venue

Thank you – Maureen