Foodie Group: No cooking today!

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The foodie group dined out today ay L20 Restaurant for a lovely Christmas lunch, prepared, cooked and served by the talented students of Hugh Baird college. As can be seen from the photos it was a very happy occasion, with great food and fantastic service as usual. Look at the concentration on the diners faces!! A good finale to our Foodie group year! Happy Christmas everyone!

Nordic Walking: Christmas walk

The final Nordic walk of 2018 took place tonight with 16 walkers taking their poles around Maghull to view the Christmas lights. With antlers, Santa hats, and various Xmas head gear donned the group made a festive sight, stopping for a photo in front of a particularly lovely garden display. At the end of the walk the poles were stashed and we retired to Brenda’s house for the traditional Christmas drinks and supper. The walks resume on Monday 7th January at 10:15 for the morning walk, or Monday 14th January at 6:30pm  for the evening walk. Both walks start from Maghull Leisure Centre.

December walk

Eighteen intrepid walkers braved the rain today and completed a 5.5 mile walk around Burscough, trekking across muddy fields and paths before adjourning to the Hopvine for a lovely Christmas lunch. Thanks to Sue for leading the walk. Can I take the opportunity to thank all those who have recced and led walks throughout the year? Without the support of these people the group would not be able to function, and your help is very much appreciated, not only by me, but by everyone who goes on the walks. As notified the walking group takes another turn next year, when we split into Ramblers and Easy Walkers. Both groups will go out on Thursday 3rd January. Full details will be published here in the New Year.

Changes to Walking Group

Following discussions with members of the group it has been decided that from January 2019 there will be two distinctive walking groups. The first group will be Ramblers, who travel further afield using car share for transport and the walks will be more challenging. The second group will be Easy Walkers. This group will use public transport and will undertake shorter walks, mostly on the flat. The changes reflect the differing needs of U3A members and should accommodate the abilities of all walkers. Both groups will still walk on the first Thursday of each month.. Details of both walks will be posted on the website and on the noticeboard at the coffee morning.

Details of 2019 program can be found below.  Continue reading

Foodie Group 2018 Round up

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The foodie group met yesterday for our final meeting of the year as the December meeting will be our Christmas meal. Once again we had lovely tasters made by group members and as you can see by the photo gallery they were demolished with rapid speed. This year we have a picnic in Brenda’s lovely garden, been to a couple of guest chef evenings at L20 restaurant where we sampled foraged food and a Nordic menu, and dined on tasters at the meetings again made by group members. These have included dishes made with pasta, rice and grains, pies and salads, Continue reading

November Walk to Pennington Flash

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16 of us set off from Maghull today and made the very short journey to the outskirts of Leigh where we started  our walk around Pennington Flash Country Park. This 200 hectare country park is located between Leigh and Lowton in Greater Manchester, but we could have been miles away from the urban conurbations. The 70 hectare lake at the centre of the park was formed as a result of mining subsidence and flooding. This has now created a haven for wildlife and is known as one of the UK’s premier sites for bird watching, which might be of interest to the bird watching group. There are many bird hides located throughout the park, which apparently attract over 6000 birdwatchers annually. Continue reading

Pedal Pushers enjoy the Indian Summer

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The Pedal Pushers plus two easy riders took advantage of the unexpected late sunshine today. Cycling along the Cheshire Lines as far as Formby we enjoyed lovely weather and were also treated to an unexpected sight of hundreds of geese feeding on the crop stubble. On our outward ride we were caught unawares and weren’t quick enough to catch on camera the spectacle of them taking flight as they caught sight of us. However, on our return, after a coffee stop on the lovely outdoor terrace of  the Sparrowhawk, we pushed our cycles when in the vicinity of the fields and managed to catch the upward flight. Truly a great sight and well worth creeping quietly along the hedge line! Return distance today just under 16miles, made even more enjoyable by good company and the late summer warmth.

Walking group at The Dream

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11 members of the walking group completed a 6.5 mile circular walk today. Starting at The Griffin Pub at Bold Heath, an 18th century inn on the old Warrington to Prescot turnpike road, we walked along country lanes to reach the site of Bold Old Hall, where the stone piers and now dried up moat are still in evidence. The land all around here formed part of the old Bold family estate, but is now intersected by the M62 motorway which created something of an obstacle on our walk. Continue reading