We will start our day with a visit to Kendal. which is a border town not very far from Lancashire, but most definitely in Cumbria, and is just 9 miles from Windermere. There is plenty to do and see here. Don’t miss The Yards which house interesting artisan shops, the Chocolate House selling the most delicious chocolate drinks and just about anything else chocolaty. You might be interested in the Quaker Museum of Tapestries and it is market day. Plenty of coffee shops and don’t forget Kendal Mint Cake originally designed for the first Mount Everest team. You may want to have lunch here or wait until we get to Lowther Castle in Penrith, which has a lovely Cafe. An Exhibition Gallery tells the story of the Castle and its’ family and how it is being restored to its’ former glory. When we visit there will be an amazing sight to see of 10,000 ceramic daffodils proceeds from which will go to Charity
When? Wednesday 17th May 2023. Dep.8.30am Ret.6pm. Price £23 per person. Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 7th March 2023.
NB. This trip has been suggested by one of our Members. If you have somewhere in mind that you would like to visit please come and discuss it with us.