To-day, our French Group met at Marie’s house because our normal venue was being used for elections.  All 16 of us gathered together and we had the pleasure of meetfrench 001ing Vincent, who is living and studying in Liverpool.  We all had the opportunity to ask him a question about his life, both here and in France, his views on the French political situation, about his family etc.  It was really encouraging for all of us to realise how far we had come in our French conversation and he was such a pleasure to talk to.  All thanks to Marie, our Leader,who arranged for Vilncent to visit us to-day and who works so hard to keep us on our toes.  She is a Taskmaster in the nicest possible way!.  Even her cakes and biscuits are so good. (Vincent with a section of our group)

London Mini – Break

On the 24th of March 2018 enjoy a one night mini-break to London. Staying at the Tara Copthorne Hotel in South Kensington on a bed & breakfast basis we have planned visits to Kensington Palace including the ‘Diana, her Fashion Story’ exhibition; a Grand Tour of the Albert Hall and a visit to Apsley House, once home to the Duke of Wellington. There will also be free time for a visit to the V& A Museum and/or Harrods. Cost is £157.00. Full details available at the Holiday Desk or on 526 2530. Booking opens on the 2nd of May 2017

Click on the link for more details

Kensington Palace & Royal Albert Hall Flier




This time we are off to the interesting, historic  County of Lancashire.  We will pay a visit first to the Bay View Garden Centre, which is in an area of outstanding natural beauty and one of the best kept secrets nestled on the Lancashire Coast.  With stunning views across Morecambe Bay to the Lake District, there is everything you would expect to find in a top Garden Centre together with a reasonably priced Potting Shed Restaurant, serving light snacks, tea/coffee, delicious cakes and lunches. On a nice day there is a lovely terrace to sit out on.  Then we will travel on to Leighton Hall, still the home of the Gillow family of the Waring and Gillow furniture fame. Situated on the Lancashire/Cumberland border,  this beautiful home is a delight to visit (you can touch and sit whatever/wherever) and we will have an entertaining guided tour with time to see their wonderful gardens..  There is a falconry display during the afternoon,( weather permitting) and then time for a cup of tea/coffee/cakes in their restaurant before we depart for home

WHEN Fri.30th June 2017   Dep.9.15am  Ret.6pm  Price: £17 inc.guided tour.  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tues.11th April 2017






This time we are off to the lovely County of Derbyshire.  and will visit the ancient town of Wirksworth, not as popular as some of the towns like Matlock, Buxton, Bakewell etc. but nevertheless it is one of the oldest towns in the Peak District.  It is steeped in history with many interesting buildings, picturesque cobbled streets and Craftsmen’s Yards to investigate.  It also has up to 10 Well Dressings at this time of the year. This is an age old tradition mostly only found in Derbyshire.  They are made by local people from natural materials such as petals, leaves, stones wood etc. They are always beautiful, spectacular and often topical.  There will be time for a coffee, good choice of cafes and browse round (an optional guided tour of the town is on offer)  Then we will be off to Sir Richard Arkwright’s Masson Mill, built in l783.  It is the finest and best preserved example of an Arkwright Cotton Mill.  There is a working Textile Museum, where we will have a guided tour, a demonstration of the working looms and hear about life here as a Millworker.  A shopping village if you feel like having a look and a nice restaurant serving coffee/meals etc. with a good choice of menu.

WHEN – Wednesday 3lst May 2017.  Departing 8.30am Return 6pm. Price:£15 inc.guided tour(s)  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 7th March 2017.



  1. images  robinsons         35233936

Imperial Hotel, Eastbourne – This year, for our November break,  we are moving from the North to the South – to Eastbourne which is an elegant resort at the foot of the South Downs in Sussex.  An interesting town with lots to do. A picture perfect redeveloped harbour area, galleries, museums, coffee stops and shopping.  The surrounding area is steeped in history with ancient villages and towns.  We will be staying at the impressive Victorian Imperial Hotel, which is owned by Robinsons Holidays, on a 5 day/4 nights d/b/b break,. which is just 2 minutes walk from the seafront and close to all town amenities.  All rooms are en suite with TV., hospitality tray, hairdryer, etc. There is a comfortable lounge area, bars and a dining room which serves hearty home cooked food.  Entertainment each evening and 3 excursions.  l. Arundel/Chichester, 2.Lewes/Brighton and 3. Michelham Priory/Tenterden with a stop on the way at a Winery.(may be subject to change)

WHEN Sunday 5th November 2017 to Thursday 9th November 2017.  Price £l89 (will be less with group discount).  Deposit £50 per person.  No Single Supplement. Optional Insurance £15. Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 2lst February 2017. 


All 56 members (sadly one member was not well and not able to travel) set off from the Square, on Fri.llth November, on our way to Loch Tummell, which is just north of Perth.  Our lady driver got us there safe and sound with suitable refreshment stops on the way.  The Hotel was lovely with courteous, helpful Staff, spotlessly clean and warm,  nice rooms, excellent food and entertainment each evening with quiet areas as well.  What more could you want?  Our excursions were up through snowy areas and spectacular mountain scenery, the Autumn colours were truly amazing, a trip to Dundee where we visited the Jute works and had an insight to what life was like working there in the “bad” old days. and a visit to Blair Castle with the customary wee dram to greet us. The weather was kind to us with just one wet afternoon.   Trouble is it went too quickly and we made our journey back to South of the Border arriving safely back in Maghull. Now, any suggestions for next year??



24471-clipart-illustration-of-a-young-roman-soldier-man-in-a-helmet-leaning-against-his-shield-and-holding-a-spear35272065We will be paying a visit to the ancient Roman Village of Ribchester, one of the most popular villages in Lancashire, set on the River Ribble.  The local Museum traces the history of the area and Roman occupation.  A recent archaeological dig unearthed the remains of a Roman Fort.  The village is well worth strolling round with a good selection of shops, cafes, art gallery, roman baths etc.  There is also a small Garden Centre which is well stocked with plants and has a collection of cabins selling various goods.  With a  nice cafe on site it is a good venue for morning coffee
Onto the comfortable family owned Ferraris Country House Hotel in Lancashire, which is set in beautiful grounds, where we will have a delicious 3 course lunch followed by tea/coffee and then an interesting talk about the experiences of Ms.Jennie Coulston-Herrmann, who is a retired high ranking Police Officer.  One of her many skills was employed in hostage negotiations.  Humorous, entertaining and worth hearing..
Thurs.2nd February 2017  Dep.9.l5am  Ret.5pm  Price £25 inc.3 courselunch/talk
Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday lst November 2016